Base Station Placement for Uneven Traffic in Cellular Network using Genetic Algorithm

B.R. Philemon, A. Kurien, and Y. Hamam (S. Africa)


Optimization, Simulation, Genetic Algorithms


The demand in cellular network services has grown tremendously in recent years. In order to meet the growing demand, cellular network infrastructure has to expand to take into account the growth in demand. A typical network provides coverage to subscribers in different propagation environments and capacity based on varying traffic demand. To achieve coverage and capacity requirement of an area, base stations have to be placed at optimal locations. This study focuses on optimizing base stations locations by maximizing coverage and capacity while minimizing cost. This is done by considering the set of available base station sites, in different propagation environment, adjacent cell interference, and varying traffic demand. To achieve this, a Genetic Algorithm (GA) is applied to the problem. The results show that optimal coverage and capacity can be achieved with reduced network planning and implementation cost.

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