CompBio 2010 - Computational Bioscience
Available November 2010.
AfricaIMSA 2010 - Internet and Multimedia
Systems and Applications
Published as a part of
ACSE 2010 - Advances in Computer Science and Engineering
Includes the symposium on:
IMSA 2009 - Internet and Multimedia
Systems and Applications
Editor: S. Panchanathan
Dates: August 17 - 19, 2009
Location: Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
the IMSA 2009 proceedings online
This publication covers the following topics: Web and Internet Systems and Tools; Multimedia Information Systems; Data Management; Applications.
Rates (USD):
Hardcopy: N/A
Online: $118.15
CD: $139.00 + S&H
Individual Articles: $25.00
Publication Number:
ISBN (CD): 978-0-88986-804-5
EuroIMSA 2009 - Internet and
Multimedia Systems and Applications
Editor: M. Merabti
164 pages
Dates: July 13 - 15, 2009
Location: Cambridge, United Kingdom
the EuroIMSA 2009 proceedings online
This publication covers the following topics: E-learning,
Training, and Multimedia based Education; Interactive and Web based
Multimedia; Visual Communications; Networked Multimedia; Audio, Video, and
EuroIMSA 2008 - Internet and
Multimedia Systems and Applications
Editor: M. Roccetti
Dates: March 17 - 19, 2008
Location: Innsbruck, Austria
the EuroIMSA 2008 proceedings online
This publication covers the following topics: E-learning,
Training, and Multimedia based Education; Interactive and Web based
Multimedia; Visual Communications; Networked Multimedia; Audio, Video, and
IMSA 2008 - Internet and Multimedia
Systems and Applications
Editor: M. Mandal
Dates: August 18 - 20, 2008
Location: Kailua-Kona, HI, USA
the IMSA 2008 proceedings online
This publication covers the following topics: Web and
Internet Systems and Tools; Multimedia Information Systems; Applications;
Data Management.
Rates (USD):
Hardcopy: $128.00 + S&H
Online: $108.80
CD: $128.00 + S&H
Individual Articles: $25.00
Publication Numbers:
ISBN: 978-0-88986-751-2
ISBN (CD): 978-0-88986-752-9
EuroIMSA 2007 - Internet and
Multimedia Systems and Applications
Editor: M. Roccetti
298 pages
Dates: March 14 - 16, 2007
Location: Chamonix, France
the EuroIMSA 2007 proceedings online
This publication covers the following topics: Internet and
Web Tools; Multimedia Techniques; Network Applications; Video; Learning, Education,
and Games; Audio, Voice, and Images.
IMSA 2007 - Internet and Multimedia
Systems and Applications
Editor: A. Hac
Dates: August 20 - 22, 2007
Location: Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
the IMSA 2007 proceedings online
This publication covers the following topics: Applications,
Web and Internet Systems and Tools, Data Management, Multimedia Information
Rates (USD):
Hardcopy: N/A
Online: $107.10
CD: $126.00 + S&H
Individual Articles: $25.00
Publication Numbers:
ISBN (CD): 978-0-88986-678-2
Back to top
EuroIMSA 2006 - Internet and
Multimedia Systems and Applications
Editor: A.C. Boucouvalas
230 pages
Dates: February 13 - 15, 2006
Location: Innsbruck, Austria
the EuroIMSA 2006 proceedings online
This publication covers the following topics: Collaborative
Systems and Distance Learning; Multimedia Compression; Multimedia Applications
and Virtual Reality; Network and Communication Systems; and Multimedia Indexing.
Rates (USD):
Hardcopy: N/A
Online: $108.00
CD: $138.00 + S&H
Individual Articles: $25.00
Publication Numbers:
ISBN: 0-88986-564-7
ISBN (CD): 0-88986-566-3
IMSA 2006 - Internet and Multimedia
Systems and Applications
Editor: J.-N. Hwang
218 pages
Dates: August 14 - 16, 2006
Location: Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
the IMSA 2006 proceedings online
This publication covers the following topics: IMSA Applications;
Collaborative Systems and Distance Learning; Web and Internet Systems and
Tools; Multimedia Information Systems.
Rates (USD):
Hardcopy: $131.00 + S&H
Online: $101.00
CD: $131.00 + S&H
Individual Articles: $25.00
Publication Numbers:
ISSN: 1482-7905
ISBN: 0-88986-587-6
ISSN (CD): 1482-7905
ISBN (CD): 0-8986-589-2
EuroIMSA 2005 - Internet and
Multimedia Systems and Applications
Editor: M.H. Hamza
542 pages
Dates: February 21 - 23, 2005
Location: Grindelwald, Switzerland
the EuroIMSA 2005 proceedings online
This publication covers the following topics: Collaborative
Systems and Distance Learning, Web and Internet Systems and Tools, Network
and Communication Systems, Streaming and Distributed Systems, Copyright, Watermarking,
and Security, Multimedia Information Systems and Applications, Online Gaming
and Internet Applications, Data Management, Image and Information Retrieval,
Video-on-Demand, Virtual Reality, and Speech Recognition.
Rates (USD):
Hardcopy: $190.00 + S&H
Online: $170.00
CD: $190.00 + S&H
Individual Articles: $25.00
Publication Numbers:
ISSN: 1482-7905
ISBN: 0-88986-484-5
ISSN (CD): 1482-7905
ISBN (CD): 0-8986-589-2
IMSA 2005 - Internet and Multimedia
Systems and Applications
Editor: M.H. Hamza
470 pages
Dates: August 15 - 17, 2005
Location: Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
the IMSA 2005 proceedings online
This publication covers the following topics: Web and Internet
Systems and Tools, Multimedia Information Systems, Networked Multiplayer Games,
Data Management, Collaborative Systems and Distance Learning, and Internet
and Multimedia Systems Applications. Subtopics included in the section on
Applications are: Electronic Commerce, Mobile Commerce, Internet Banking,
Business, Medicine, Engineering, Education, Graphics and Virtual Worlds, Internet-based
Multiplayer Games, Entertainment, and Others.
Rates (USD):
Hardcopy: $220.00 + S&H
Online: $200.00
CD: $220.00 + S&H
Individual Articles: $25.00
Publication Numbers:
ISBN: 0-88986-508-6
ISBN (CD): 0-88986-510-8
IMSA 2004 - Internet and Multimedia
Systems and Applications
Editor: M.H. Hamza
423 pages
Dates: August 16 - 18, 2004
Location: Kauai, Hawaii, USA
the IMSA 2004 proceedings online
This publication covers the following topics: Internet Applications,
Databases, Information Retrieval, Networks and Communication Systems, Streaming
and Distributed Systems, Copyright and Security, Multimedia Systems, Multimedia
Systems and Applications, Collaborative Systems and Distance Learning.
Rates (USD):
Hardcopy: $140.00 + S&H
Online: $125.00
CD: $140.00 + S&H
Individual Articles: $25.00
Publication Numbers:
ISSN: 1482-7905
ISBN: 0-88986-420-9
ISSN (CD): 1482-7905
ISBN (CD): 0-88986-428-4
IMSA 2003 - Internet and Multimedia
Systems and Applications
Editor: M.H. Hamza
766 pages
Dates: August 13 - 15, 2003
Location: Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
the IMSA 2003 proceedings online
This publication covers the following topics: Operating System Support
for Multimedia, Collaborative Systems and Applications, Multimedia Applications
in Health and Education, Multimedia Networking and Communications, Quality
of Service Issues, Web Tools and Applications, Multimedia Database Systems,
Internet Architectures, Information Systems, Databases and the Web, Software
Control, Protection and Security, Multimedia Tools and Architectures, Multimedia
Performance and Management, E-commerce, Java Technology and Applications,
Video Streaming and Signal Processing.
Rates (USD):
Hardcopy: N/A
Online: $160.00
Individual Articles: $25.00
Publication Numbers:
ISSN: 1482-7905
ISBN: 0-88986-380-6
IMSA 2002 - Internet and Multimedia
Systems and Applications
Editor: M.H. Hamza
430 pages
the IMSA 2002 proceedings online
This publication covers the following topics: Collaborative
Systems and Resource Management, E-commerce, Databases and Data Mining, Data
Protection and Security, Information Systems and Internet Applications, Quality
of Service Issues, Image Processing, Video Streaming and Broadcasting Networks,
Switching, and Fault Tolerant Systems.
Rates (USD):
Hardcopy: $125.00 + S&H
Online: $125.00
Individual Articles: N/A
Publication Numbers:
ISSN: 1482-7905
ISBN: 0-88986-350-4
IMSA 2001 - Internet and Multimedia
Systems and Applications
Editor: B. Furht
468 pages
This publication covers the following topics: Distance and Collaborative
Learning, Optimization, Protection and Security, Internet Architecture, Tools
and Applications, E-commerce and Related Issues, Data Management, Database
and Information Systems, Software Engineering, Collaborative Systems and Applications,
Multimedia Systems, Networking and Communications, Video and Advanced Technologies,
Software Agents, Expert Systems, and Computer Vision.
Rates (USD):
Hardcopy: $140.00 + S&H
Online: N/A
Individual Articles: N/A
Publication Numbers:
ISSN: 1482-7905
ISBN: 0-88986-299-0
IMSA 2000 - Internet and Multimedia
Systems and Applications
Editor: B. Furht
479 pages
This publication covers the following topics: Internet and
Information Systems Applications, Internet Architectures, Search and Optimization
Techniques, Multimedia Broadcasting Systems on the Web, Multimedia Architecture,
Tools, Performance and Management, Internet and Software Control, Protection
and Security, Video-on-Demand, Mobile Multimedia Services and Applications,
Metadata Concept and XML Applications, Web-based Tools, Engineering and Techniques,
Collaborative Systems and Applications, Distance Learning, Multimedia Networking
and Communications, Multimedia Database Systems, and Object-based Data Retrieval.
Rates (USD):
Hardcopy: $110.00 + S&H
Online: N/A
Individual Articles: N/A
Publication Numbers:
ISSN: 1482-7905
ISBN: 0-88986-314-8
Back to top
SEA 2010 - Software Engineering and Applications
Available November 2010.
SEA 2009 - Software Engineering and
Editor: M.H. Hamzar
Dates: November 2 - 4, 2009
Location:Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
the SEA 2009 proceedings online
This publication covers the following topics: Software Engineering; Software Applications; Verification, Validation, and Security; Software Tools and Techniques.
Rates (USD):
Hardcopy: N/A
Online: $161.50
CD: $190 + S&H
Individual Articles: $25.00
Publication Numbers:
ISBN (CD): 978-0-88986-812-0
SEA 2008 - Software Engineering and
Editor: T. Khoshgoftaar
224 pages
Dates: November 16 - 18, 2008
Location: Orlando, Florida, USA
the SEA 2008 proceedings online
This publication covers the following topics:Software Design and Development; Software Requirements; Software Architecture; Software Methodologies; Software Algorithms; Software Design; Software Performance Engineering; Software Performance Model Building; Software Development; Object-Oriented Analysis and Design; Software Engineering; Software Maintenance; Software Testing; Software Metrics; Software Project Management; Distributed Software Management Software Tools and Techniques; Software Tools; Software Agents; Data visualization; Intelligent Agents; Programming Languages; Modelling Languages; Compilers; Internet Computing; Web-based Software Engineering; Logic Programming; Artificial Intelligence Applications; Formal Methods; Framework Techniques; Graphical User Interfaces; Visualization; Modelling and Simulation Software Security, Optimization and Standardization; Security; Fault Tolerance; Reliability; Software Evaluation.
Rates (USD):
Hardcopy: $250.00 + S&H
Online: $212.50
CD: $250 + S&H
Individual Articles: $25.00
Publication Numbers:
ISBN: 978-0-88986-775-8
ISBN (CD): 978-0-88986-776-5
SEA 2007 - Software Engineering and
Editor: J. Smith
Dates: November 19 - 21, 2007
Location: Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
the SEA 2007 proceedings online
This publication covers the following topics: Software
Quality, Maintainability, Management and Estimation; QA, Reliability and
Test; Formal Methods and Consistency Checking; Software Engineering Case
Studies; Gaming and Education; Tool Support for Software Engineering;
Web/Service Oriented Application Design and Development; Artificial
Intelligence/Aspect Oriented Applications and Techniques; Software
Engineering Methodological Advances; Software Modelling; Security in
Software Engineering.
Rates (USD):
Hardcopy: $365.00 + S&H
Online: $310.25
CD: $365.00 + S&H
Individual Articles: $25.00
Publication Numbers:
ISBN: 978-0-88986-705-5
ISBN (CD): 978-0-88986-706-2
SEA 2006 - Software Engineering and
Editor: A.M.K. Cheng
595 pages
Dates: November 13 - 15, 2006
Location: Dallas, Texas, USA
the SEA 2006 proceedings online
This publication covers the following topics: Software Tools;
Data and Knowledge-based Systems; Software Security; Software Measurement
and Communication; Testing, Simulation, Verification, and Validation; Software
Design; Requirements and Specification; Software Engineering.
Rates (USD):
Hardcopy: $269.00 + S&H
Online: $239.00
CD: $269.00 + S&H
Individual Articles: $25.00
Publication Numbers:
ISBN: 0-88986-642-2
ISBN (CD): 0-88986-599-X
SEA 2005 - Software Engineering and
Editors: W.-T. Tsai & M.H. Hamza
Dates: November 14 - 16, 2005
Location: Phoenix, Arizona, USA
the SEA 2005 proceedings online
This publication covers the following topics: Database, Data
Mining, and Semantic Webs; Software Engineering Applications; Verification,
Validation, Evaluation, and Tools; Reliability, Fault Tolerance, and Distributed
Systems; Modelling, Modelling Language, and Formal Methods; Testing; Architecture,
Aspect-Oriented, Metadata, and Methodologies; Project Management and Metrics;
Design, Patterns, and Use Cases; Quality, Maintenance, and Automation; Algorithms
and Programming Languages; and Visualization, Education, and Software Agents.
Rates (USD):
Hardcopy: N/A
Online: $252.00
CD: $262.00 + S&H
Individual Articles: $25.00
Publication Numbers:
ISSN: 1482-7905
ISBN: 0-88986-529-9
ISSN (CD): 1482-7905
ISBN (CD): 0-88986-531-0
SEA 2004 - Software Engineering and
Editor: M.H. Hamza
798 pages
Dates: November 9 - 11, 2004
Location: Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
the SEA 2004 proceedings online
This publication covers the following topics: Databases and Data
Mining, Security and Protection, Software Architecture, Software Maintenance
and Reliability, Software Testing, Formal Methods and Specification, Modelling
and Simulation, Software Engineering Applications, Software Tools and Techniques,
Software Design and Development, Data Mining Software Project Databases.
Rates (USD):
Hardcopy: $340.00 + S&H
Online: $305.00
CD: $340.00 + S&H
Individual Articles: $25.00
Publication Numbers:
ISSN: 1482-7905
ISBN: 0-88986-425-X
ISSN (CD): 1482-7905
ISBN (CD): 0-88986-427-6
SEA 2003 - Software Engineering and
Editor: M.H. Hamza
858 pages
Dates: November 3 - 5, 2003
Location: Marina del Rey, USA
the SEA 2003 proceedings online
This publication covers the following topics: Software Engineering
and Applications, Databases and Data Mining, Software Metrics, Re-use and
Framework Techniques, Software Security, Optimization and Standardization,
Software Testing, Tools and Specifications, Object-oriented Analysis, Systems
and Design, Software Design and Development, Software Requirements and System
Verification, Software Architecture and Organization, Software Processes,
Modelling and Evaluation, Using Chaos to Imply Order in Software Engineering,
Mobile Computing and Multimedia Applications.
Rates (USD):
Hardcopy: N/A
Online: $139.00
CD: $169 + S&H
Individual Articles: $25.00
Publication Numbers:
ISSN: 1482-7905
ISBN: 0-88986-394-6
SEA 2002 - Software Engineering and
Editor: M.H. Hamza
820 pages
Dates: November 4 - 6, 2002
Location: Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
the SEA 2002 proceedings online
This publication covers the following topics: Artificial
Intelligence and Applications, Software Requirements, Software Design and
Development, Software Security, Design and Standardization, Web-based Systems
and Applications, Software Engineering Applications, Software Testing and
Tools, Software Architecture and Organization, Software Specification and
Verification, Software Methodologies and Modelling, Cooperative Work Support,
Software Process Evaluation and Improvement, and Software and Databases.
Rates (USD):
Hardcopy: $185.00 + S&H
Online: $185.00
Individual Articles: N/A
Publication Numbers:
ISSN: 1482-7905
ISBN: 0-88986-323-7
Back to top
SEA 2001 - Software Engineering and
Editor: M.H. Hamza
271 pages
This publication covers the following topics: Database and
Data Mining, Distributed Programming, Internet Computing and Multimedia, Software
Reuse, Reliability and Quality Assurance, Software Specifications, Development
and Applications, Software Testing and Maintenance, Project Management and
Work Flow, Modelling, Object-oriented Analysis, Systems and Design, and Mobile
and Wireless Computing.
Rates (USD):
Hardcopy: $90.00 + S&H
Online: N/A
Individual Articles: N/A
Publication Numbers:
ISSN: 1482-7905
ISBN: 0-88986-305-9
Back to top
SEA 2000 - Software Engineering and
Editor: M.H. Hamza
366 pages
This publication covers the following topics: Software Engineering
Tools and Applications, Software Testing and Reliability Techniques, Software
Requirements and System Verification, Data Modelling, Stability and Database
Systems, Intelligent Agent Software and Mobile Agents, Object-oriented Analysis,
Design and Programming, Web-based Software Engineering, Modelling and Applications,
Data Warehousing and Data Mining, Software Quality Assurance, Inspection and
Empirical Studies, Software Economics, Development and Maintenance, Software
Metrics, Reuse and Framework Techniques, Computer Graphics, Workflow Modelling
and Applications, Internet Technologies and Computing, JAVA, CORBA, and XML.
Rates (USD):
Hardcopy: $85.00 + S&H
Online: N/A
Individual Articles: N/A
Publication Numbers:
ISSN: 1482-7905
ISBN: 0-88986-306-7
CATE 2010 - Computers and Advanced
Technology in Education
Editor: V. Uskov
Dates: August 23 – 25, 2010
Location: Maui, Hawaii, USA
the CATE 2010 proceedings online
This publication covers the following topics: .
Rates (USD):
Hardcopy: N/A
Online: $170.00
CD: $200.00 + S&H
Individual Articles: $25.00
Publication Numbers:
ISSN: 1482-7905
ISSN (CD): 1922-8082
ISBN (CD): 978-0-88986-844-1
CATE 2009 - Computers and Advanced
Technology in Education
Includes the symposium on Human-Computer Interaction (IASTED-HCI 2009)
Editor: V. Uskov
Dates: November 22 – 24, 2009
Location: St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands
the CATE 2009 proceedings online
This publication covers the following topics: Mobile Learning; Collaborative Learning; Faculty Development, Courseware, and Curriculum Issues; Advanced Teaching and Learning Technologies; Software Systems, Virtual Reality, and Virtual Labs; Best Practicies in Technology-based Education; Research on Technology-based Education.
Rates (USD):
Hardcopy: N/A
Online: $153.00
CD: $180.00 + S&H
Individual Articles: $25.00
Publication Numbers:
ISSN: 1482-7905
ISSN (CD): 1922-8082
ISBN (CD): 978-0-88986-816-8
CATE 2008 - Computers and Advanced
Technology in Education
Editor: V. Uskov
Dates: September 29 – October 1, 2008
Location: Crete, Greece
the CATE 2008 proceedings online
This publication covers the following topics: International
PhD. Student Competition; Collaborative Learning; Best Practicies in
Advanced Technology-based Teaching and Learning; Innovative Technology-based
Teaching and Learning ; Studies on Innovative Technology-based Teaching and
Learning; Advanced Software Systems and Tools for Technology-based
Education; Advanced Technology in Education and Training; Digital Libraries
and Learning Objects; Faculty Development and Training/Corporate Training;
Advanced Hardware Systems for Technology-based Education/Virtual Scientific
Hardcopy: $301.00 + S&H
Online: $255.85
CD: $301.00 + S&H
Individual Articles: $25.00
Publication Numbers:
ISSN: 1482-7905
ISBN: 978-0-88986-767-3
ISSN (CD): 1922-8082
ISBN (CD): 978-0-88986-768-0
CATE 2007 - Computers and Advanced
Technology in Education
Editor: V. Uskov
Dates: October 8 – 10, 2007
Location: Beijing, China
the CATE 2007 proceedings online
This publication covers the following topics: Keynote
Paper; Advanced Software and Hardware Systems and Tools for Technology-Based
Education; Studies on Advanced Technology-Based Teaching and Learning;
Quality, Evaluation and Assessment Issues of Technology-Based Education;
National and International Projects on Technology-Based Education; Content
and Curriculum Development Issues of Technology-Based Education; Virtual
Reality and Multimedia Systems; Innovative Technology-Based Teaching and
Learning; Collaborative Learning; Mobile Learning.
Special Session - Implementing E-Learning in Companies
Rates (USD):
Hardcopy: $244.00 + S&H
Online: $207.40
CD: $244.00 + S&H
Individual Articles: $25.00
Publication Numbers:
ISBN: 978-0-88986-699-7
ISSN (CD): 1922-8082
ISBN (CD): 978-0-88986-700-0
CATE 2006 - Computers and Advanced
Technology in Education
Editor: V. Uskov
413 pages
Dates: October 4- 6, 2006
Location: Lima, Peru
the CATE 2006 proceedings online
This publication covers the following topics: Studies on
Advanced Technology-based Teaching and Learning; Advanced Software and Hardware
Systems and Tools for Technology-based Education; Mobile Learning; Curriculum
and Content Development Issues; Blended, Distance, Open, and Adult Education;
Virtual Reality and Virtual Scientific Labs; Quality, Evaluation, and Assessment
Issues of Technology-based Education.
Special Session - Design and Evaluation of Computer-based Learning Environments
Rates (USD):
Hardcopy: N/A
Online: $184.00
CD: $214.00 + S&H
Individual Articles: $25.00
Publication Numbers:
ISSN: 1482-7905
ISBN: 0-88986-626-0
ISSN (CD): 1922-8082
ISBN (CD): 0-88986-628-7
CATE 2005 - Computers and Advanced
Technology in Education
Editor: V. Uskov
506 pages
Dates: August 29 - 31, 2005
Location: Oranjestad, Aruba
the CATE 2005 proceedings online
This publication covers the following topics: Wireless Communication
and Interactive Technology for Learning Environments; Software Systems and
Tools for Technology-based Education; Internet2 Applications in Education;
Collaborative Technology-based Learning; Virtual Reality and Virtual Labs;
Applications of Agent-based Technology for Learning; Best Practices on Technology-based
Education and Training; Design, Development and Implementation of Technology-based
Curriculum; Technology-based Services for Education and Training; Studies
on Advanced Teaching and Learning Technology; and Technology-based Adult and
Continuing Learning.
Rates (USD):
Hardcopy: $180.00 + S&H
Online: $180.00
CD: $180.00 + S&H
Individual Articles: $25.00
Publication Numbers:
ISSN: 1482-7905
ISBN: 0-88986-520-5
ISSN (CD): 1922-8082
ISBN (CD): 0-88986-522-1
CATE 2004 - Computers and Advanced
Technology in Education
Editor: V. Uskov
589 pages
Dates: August 16 - 18, 2004
Location: Kauai, Hawaii, USA
the CATE 2004 proceedings online
This publication covers the following topics: Multimedia
Systems In Technology-Based Education, Advanced Learning Technology, Software
Developments In Technology- Based Education, Learning Objectives: Design,
Development, and Utilization, Authoring Tools, Virtual Labs and Web Services,
Collaborative Learning, Quality, Testing and Assessment Issues, Best Practices:
Technology- Based Education and Training, Design, Development, and Implementation
of Technology-Based Curricula, Faculty Development on Technology-Based Education.
Rates (USD):
Hardcopy: $160.00 + S&H
Online: $145.00
CD: $160.00 + S&H
Individual Articles: $25.00
Publication Numbers:
ISSN: 1482-7905
ISBN: 0-88986-422-5
ISSN (CD): 1922-8082
ISBN (CD): 0-88986-430-6
CATE 2003 - Computers and Advanced
Technology in Education
Editor: V. Uskov
803 pages
Dates: June 30 - July 2, 2003
Location: Rhodes, Greece
the CATE 2003 proceedings online
This publication covers the following topics: Studies on
Teaching and Learning Technologies and Processes for WBE, Human Resources
Issues of Technology -based Education, Studies in Web-Based Education, Quality
Issues, Testing and Assessment, Communication Technologies, Authoring Tools,
Software Systems for WBE, Developing Learning Objects, Applications of Multimedia
Technologies, Agent-based Technology, Web Services for WBE, Technology-based
Education, Collaborative Learning, Studies in Open and Distance Education,
Design and Development of Online Courseware, Virtual Reality and Virtual Scientific
Labs, Studies of Teaching and Learning Technologies and Processes.
Rates (USD):
Hardcopy: $184.00 + S&H
Online: $165.00
CD: $184.00 + S&H
Individual Articles: $25.00
Publication Numbers:
ISSN: 1482-7905
ISBN: 0-88986-365-2
ISSN (CD): 1922-8082
ISBN (CD): 0-88986-361-X
CATE 2002 - Computers and Advanced
Technology in Education
Editors: G. A. Santana Torrellas & V. Uskov
803 pages
Dates: May 20 - 22, 2002
Location: Cancun, Mexico
the CATE 2002 proceedings online
This publication covers the following topics: Collaborative
Systems, Projects, and Web-based Learning; Computer-Assisted Learning and
Instruction; Curriculum Design and Development; Institutional Issues and Special
Educational Requirements; Internet-based Educational and Training Systems;
Effectiveness, Quality Control, and Professional Development; Models, Tools,
and Software Programs; Virtual Reality and Online Education; Database, Multimedia,
and Communications Technology; Knowledge Management for e-Learning; and Network
and Distributed Computing Technologies in e-Education.
Rates (USD):
Hardcopy: N/A
Online: $130.00
Individual Articles: $25.00
Publication Numbers:
ISSN: 1482-7905
ISBN: 0-88986-332-6
ISSN (CD): 1922-8082
ISBN (CD): 0-88986-522-1
CATE 2001 - Computers and Advanced
Technology in Education
Editor: M.H. Hamza
256 pages
This publication covers the following topics: Distance Learning
and Internet-based Educational Systems, Computer-Assisted Learning and Instruction,
Mobile Communication and Computing, Virtual Reality and
Information Technology,
National Policies, Institutional Issues and Teacher Training Development,
Educational Software, Tools, Metadata and Methodology.
Rates (USD):
Hardcopy: $102.00 + S&H
Online: N/A
Individual Articles: N/A
Publication Numbers:
ISSN: 1482-7905
ISBN: 0-88986-289-3
CATE 2000 - Computers and Advanced
Technology in Education
Editor: M.H. Hamza
327 pages
This publication covers the following topics: Distance Learning
and Education on Demand, Technology Assisted Instruction -- Intelligent Tutors,
Technology-based Curriculum Design, Web and Technology Assisted Instruction,
Educational Software and Computer-aided Instruction, Information Technology,
Enhancing Teaching and Learning with Technology, Intelligent Agents and Educational
Rates (USD):
Hardcopy: $80.00 + S&H
Online: N/A
Individual Articles: N/A
Publication Numbers:
ISSN: 1482-7905
ISBN: 0-88986-290-7
WTAS 2006 - Web Technologies, Applications,
and Services
Editor: J.T. Yao
222 pages
Dates: July 17 - 19, 2006
Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
the WTAS 2006 proceedings online
This publication covers the following topics: Grid Computing
and Semantic Web; Web-based Support Systems and Web Services; Web Applications
and e-Learning; and Web Search and Web Information Retrieval.
Rates (USD):
Hardcopy: N/A
Online: $104.00
CD: $134.00 + S&H
Individual Articles: $25.00
Publication Numbers:
ISBN: 0-88986-575-2
ISBN (CD): 0-88986-577-9
WTAS 2005 - Web Technologies, Applications,
and Services
Editor: M.H. Hamza
210 pages
Dates: July 4 - 6, 2005
Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
the WTAS 2005 proceedings online
This publication covers the following topics: Web Technology
and Service Standards, Tools, Technological Adaptation, Security, E-Commerce,
E-Business, E-Sourcing, Business-to-Business, Design Collaboration, Enterprise
Services, Quality of Service, Impact of Web Services, Resource Management,
Blogs, Semantic Web, Wireless Web, Web Information Retrieval, Web Visualization,
Web Mining, Web Security, Web Enterprise Systems, Web Auctions, Web-based
Learning, Information Systems, Integrated Applications, Service-oriented Architectures,
Voice-over-Internet Protocols, Searching and Querying, Multimedia Streaming
and Distribution, Multimedia Content Protection and Digital Rights Management,
Context-Aware Multimedia, Gaming/Network Gaming, Multi-user Services/Broadcast
Services, Grid Computing, Content Management, Metadata, Usability, Mobility,
E-Learning, Web-based Applications, Peer-to-Peer Applications, and Web Languages.
Also, various applications are discussed, including applications in: Education,
Publishing, Entertainment, Medicine, Banking, Science, Engineering, and Others.
Rates (USD):
Hardcopy: N/A
Online: $100.00
CD: $110.00 + S&H
Individual Articles: $25.00
Publication Numbers:
ISBN: 0-88986-483-7
ISBN (CD): 0-88986-485-3
WBE 2010 - Web-based Education
Editor: V. Uskov
Dates: March 15 – 17, 2010
Location:Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt
the WBE 2010 proceedings online
This publication covers the following topics: Innovative Software Systems and Courseware for Web-based Education; Quality Testing and Assessment Issues in Web-based Education; Case Studies on Innovative Learning, Teaching, and Training; Best Practices on Web-based Education; Virtual Worlds and Mobile Learning;
Rates (USD):
Online: $102.00
CD: $120.00 + S&H
Individual Articles: $25.00
Publication Number:
ISBN: 978-0-88986-832-8
ISBN (CD): 978-0-88986-829-8
WBE 2009 - Web-based Education
Editor: V. Uskov
Dates: March 16 - 12, 2009
Location: Phuket, Thailand
the WBE 2009 proceedings online
This publication covers the following topics: Mobile Learning; Case Studies on Innovative Web-based Learning, Teaching and Training; National and International Projects in WBE Area; Innovative Software Systems and Courseware for WBE; Collaborative Learning.
Rates (USD):
Online: $226.95
CD: $267.00 + S&H
Individual Articles: $25.00
Publication Number:
ISBN (CD): 978-0-88986-789-5
WBE 2008 - Web-based Education
Editor: V. Uskov
Dates: March 17 - 19, 2008
Location: Innsbruck, Austria
the WBE 2008 proceedings online
This publication covers the following topics: Learning Objects,
Learning Contents, and Educational Portals; Innovative Software, Hardware
Systems and Tools for WBE; National and International Projects in WBE Area;
Quality Issues, Testing, and Assessment in WBE; Mobile Learning;
Collaborative Learning; Case Studies on Innovative Web-Based Learning,
Teaching, and Training; Multimedia and Adaptive Systems.
Introduction - 2008 World Survey on Strategic Issues of Web-based Education, V. Uskov and A. Uskov (USA)
Keynote Address - Bringing the World to Higher Education: A New Paradigm for Global Learning, S.C. Aldridge (USA)
Invited Paper - Mobile and Collaborative Learning Development by a Concept of "Mobile-as-Participation-Platform", H. Miyata (Japan)
Rates (USD):
WBE 2007 - Web-based Education
Editor: V. Uskov
672 pages
Dates: March 14 - 16, 2007
Location: Chamonix, France
the WBE 2007 proceedings online
This publication covers the following topics: Streaming Media, Adaptive,
and Authoring Systems; Virtual/Remote Scientific Labs and Virtual Reality;
Case Studies on Innovative Web-based Teaching and Learning; Corporate Web-based
Training; E-Pedagogy; Mobile Learning; Best Practises in WBE; Learning Objects:
Portals and Digital Libraries; Quality Issues, Testing, and Assessment in
WBE; Blended Education; Innovative Software and Hardware Systems and Tools
for WBE; Collaborative Learning.
Special Session - Current Advancement of ICT in Childhood Education; Sixth International Competition of PhD Students in WBE Area.
Rates (USD):WBE 2006 - Web-based Education
Editor: V. Uskov
409 pages
Dates: January 23 - 25, 2006
Location: Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
the WBE 2006 proceedings online
This publication covers the following topics: Web-based 3D Collaborative
Virtual Environments in Education; Quality Issues, Testing, and Assessment;
Ph.D. Student Competition; Multimedia, Authoring, and Adaptive Systems; Case
Studies on Innovative Web-based Teaching and Learning; E-Pedagogy and Subject-Specific
Web-based Education; Software Systems, Tools, and Products; Learning Objects
and Digital Libraries; Projects; and Corporate, Lifelong, and Continuing Web-based
Rates (USD):
Hardcopy: $213.00 + S&H
Online: $183.00
CD: $213.00 + S&H
Individual Articles: $25.00
Publication Numbers:
ISSN: 1482-7905
ISBN: 0-88986-541-8
ISSN (CD): 1482-7905
ISBN (CD): 0-88986-543-4
WBE 2005 - Web-based Education
Editor: V. Uskov
700 pages
Dates: February 23 - 25, 2005
Location: Grindelwald, Switzerland
the WBE 2005 proceedings online
This publication covers the following topics: Multimedia Technology
in WBE; Collaborative Learning in WBE; Virtual Scientific Labs and Virtual
Reality; Software Systems, Tools and Agents for WBE; Learning Objects and
Educational Portals for WBE; Authoring and Adaptive Systems; Designing Learning
Activities: From Content-based to Context-based Learning Services; WBE: National
and International Projects and Policies; WBE Curriculum and Courseware Development;
Case Studies on Web-based Learning and Web-based Training; Communication Technology
and Mobile Education/Learning; Quality Issues, Testing and Assessment in WBE;
Web-based Education for Elementary and Infant Education; Web-based Teaching
and Learning Technologies; Case Studies on Innovative Teaching and Learning
Technology; Case Studies on Corporate, Vocational, and Adult Learning, and
Distance Education; and Subject-Specific Web-based Teaching and Learning.
Rates (USD):
Hardcopy: $230.00 + S&H
Online: $205.00
CD: $230.00 + S&H
Individual Articles: $25.00
Publication Numbers:
ISSN: 1482-7905
ISBN: 0-88986-480-2
ISSN (CD): 1482-7905
ISBN (CD): 0-88986-482-9
WBE 2004 - Web-based Education
Editor: V. Uskov
646 pages
Dates: February 16 - 18, 2004
Location: Innsbruck, Austria
the WBE 2004 proceedings online
This publication covers the following topics: Web-based Collaborative
Learning, Case Studies on Innovative Teaching and Learning Technology, Virtual
Reality and Virtual Scientific Labs, Multimedia Technology, Authoring Systems
for Web-based Education, WBE Courseware and Curriculum, Design and Development,
Case Studies on e-Learning and e-Training, Quality Issues, Testing and Assessment,
International and National Projects on WBE,
International Workshop: Authoring of Adaptive and Adaptable Educational
Hypermedia, Virtual Colleges and Online Degrees, Web Services and Portals.
Special Sessions - Intelligent e-Learning Systems, Learning Management
Systems, Reusable Learning Objects in WBE, Case Studies on Corporate, Adult
and Vocational Training, Subject-Specific Web-based Teaching and Learning,
Software Tools and Systems for WBE.
Special Session: Engineering Web-based Learning Systems
Rates (USD):
Hardcopy: $170.00 + S&H
Online: $155.00
CD: $170.00 + S&H
Individual Articles: $25.00
Publication Numbers:
ISSN: 1482-7905
ISBN: 0-88986-406-3
ISSN (CD): 1482-7905
ISBN (CD): 0-88986-377-6
ICET 2006 - Education and Technology
Editor: J.R. Parker
288 pages
Dates: July 17 - 19, 2006
Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
the ICET 2006 proceedings online
This publication covers the following topics: Web-based Education;
Instructional Technology; Web Delivery and Technology; Curriculum Design,
Testing and Evaluation; Self-Regulating and e-Learning; and Collaborative
Learning and Teaching.
Rates (USD):
Hardcopy: N/A
Online: $143.00
CD: $173.00 + S&H
Individual Articles: $25.00
Publication Numbers:
ISBN: 0-88986-579-5
ISBN (CD): 0-88986-581-7
ICET 2005 - Education and Technology
Editors: T.C. Montgomerie & J.R. Parker
337 pages
Dates: July 4 - 6, 2005
Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
the ICET 2005 proceedings online
This publication covers the following topics: Instructional
Technology, Web-based Education, Learning Objects and Libraries, and Education
Policies and Finances.
Rates (USD):
Hardcopy: N/A
Online: $135.00
CD: $150.00 + S&H
Individual Articles: $25.00
Publication Numbers:
ISBN: 0-88986-487-X
ISBN (CD): 0-88986-489-6
IASTED-HCI 2010 - Human-Computer Interaction
Published as a part of
CI 2010 - Computational Intelligence
Includes the symposia on:
IASTED-HCI 2009 - Human-Computer Interaction
Published as a part of
CATE 2010 - Computers and Advanced Technology in Education
Includes the symposium on:
IASTED-HCI 2008 - Human-Computer Interaction
Editor: D. Cunliffe
Dates: March 17 - 19, 2008
Location: Innsbruck, Austria
the HCI 2008 proceedings online
This publication covers the following topics: Applications
in Education; Augmented and Virtual Realities; Modes of Interaction;
Understanding Users; Design and Evaluation; Visualization; Interaction on
the Move Collaborating and Communicating
Rates (USD):
Hardcopy: $242.00 + S&H
Online: $205.70
CD: $242.00 + S&H
Individual Articles: $25.00
Publication Numbers:
ISBN: 978-0-88986-725-3
ISBN (CD): 978-0-88986-726-0
IASTED-HCI 2007 - Human-Computer Interaction
Editor: D. Cunliffe
262 pages
Dates: March 14 - 16, 2007
Location: Chamonix, France
the HCI 2007 proceedings online
This publication covers the following topics: Augmented Realities;
Interfaces and Applications; Design and Evaluation; Mobile Applications.
Rates (USD):
Hardcopy: $158.00 + S&H
Online: $134.30
CD: $158.00 + S&H
Individual Articles: $25.00
Publication Numbers:
ISBN: 978-0-88986-654-6
ISBN (CD): 978-0-88986-655-3
IASTED-HCI 2005 - Human-Computer Interaction
Editor: M.H. Hamza
Dates: November 14 - 16, 2005
Location: Phoenix, Arizona, USA
the HCI 2005 proceedings online
This publication covers the following topics: Interfaces
and User Modelling; Usability; User Interfaces; Intelligent Systems and Research
Methods; Design; and HCI in Mobile, Ubiquitous, and Pervasive Computing Contexts.
Rates (USD):
Hardcopy: $168.00 + S&H
Online: $158.00
CD: $168.00 + S&H
Individual Articles: $25.00
Publication Numbers:
ISBN: 0-88986-533-7
ISBN (CD): 0-88986-535-3
SE 2010 - Software Engineering
Editors: R. Fox, W. Golubski
Dates: February 16 – 18, 2010
Location: Innsbruck, Austria
the SE 2010 proceedings online
This publication covers the following topics:Model based Development; Software Engineering Requirements and Validation; Software Engineering Methodologies and Experiences; Software Re-Engineering, Maintenance, and Knowledge Management; Human-Computer Interaction Issues; Software Testing.
Rates (USD):
Hardcopy: $162.00 + S&H
Online: $137.70
CD: $162.00 + S&H
Individual Articles: $25.00
Publication Numbers:
ISBN (CD): 78-0-88986-821-2
SE 2009 - Software Engineering
Editor: R. Breu
Dates: February 17 – 19, 2009
Location: Innsbruck, Austria
the SE 2009 proceedings online
This publication covers the following topics: Modelling; Quality Management; Requirements and Processes; Security Engineering and Architecture.
Rates (USD):
Hardcopy: $128.00 + S&H
Online: $108.80
CD: $128.00 + S&H
Individual Articles: $25.00
Publication Numbers:
ISBN: 978-0-88986-785-7
ISBN (CD): 978-0-88986-786-4
SE 2008 - Software Engineering
Editor: C. Pahl
Dates: February 12 - 14, 2008
Location: Innsbruck, Austria
the SE 2008 proceedings online
This publication covers the following topics: Project Management
and Development Process; Agility, Evolution, and Requirements; Concurrency
and Distributed Systems; Tools; Product Lines and Components; Testing; Embedded
Systems and Security; Software Architecture.
Rates (USD):
Hardcopy: $258.00 + S&H
Online: $219.30
CD: $258.00 + S&H
Individual Articles: $25.00
Publication Numbers:
ISBN: 978-0-88986-715-4
ISBN (CD): 978-0-88986-716-1
SE 2007 - Software Engineering
Editor: W. Hasselbring
399 pages
Dates: February 13 - 15, 2007
Location: Innsbruck, Austria
the SE 2007 proceedings online
This publication covers the following topics: Project Management
and Development Process; Agility, Evolution, and Requirements; Concurrency
and Distributed Systems; Tools; Product Lines and Components; Testing; Embedded
Systems and Security; Software Architecture.
SE 2006 - Software Engineering
Editor: P. Kokol
387 pages
Dates: February 14 - 16, 2006
Location: Innsbruck, Austria
the SE 2006 proceedings online
This publication covers the following topics: Web Engineering;
Web Service and Mobile; Formal and Visual Approaches; Software Development;
Performance, Evaluation, and Assessment; Software Maintenance; and Software
Rates (USD):
Hardcopy: N/A
Online: $176.00
CD: $206.00 + S&H
Individual Articles: $25.00
Publication Numbers:
ISSN: 1027-2666
ISBN: 0-88986-572-8
ISSN (CD): 1027-2666
ISBN (CD): 0-88986-574-4
SE 2005 - Software Engineering
Editor: P. Kokol
509 pages
Dates: February 15 - 17, 2005
Location: Innsbruck, Austria
the SE 2005 proceedings online
This publication covers the following topics: Software Architecture,
Reliability, Re-use, Security, Object-Oriented Analysis, Systems, Design and
Data Visualization, Software Analysis, Design and Development, Software Maintenance,
Testing and Quality Service, Software Methodologies and Protocols, Web-based
Software Engineering, Software Tools, Programming Languages and Embedded Systems,
Software Verification, Validation, and Evaluation.
Special Session - Mobile Computing Systems in Dynamic Environments,
Project Management and Software Application
Rates (USD):
Hardcopy: $270.00 + S&H
Online: $245.00
CD: $270.00 + S&H
Individual Articles: $25.00
Publication Numbers:
ISSN: 1027-2666
ISBN: 0-88986-464-0
ISSN (CD): 1027-2666
ISBN (CD): 0-88986-466-7
ACIT-SE 2005 - ACIT - Software
Editors: Yu.I. Shokin & O.I. Potaturkin
150 pages
Dates: June 20 - 24, 2005
Location: Novosibirsk, Russia
the ACIT-SE 2005 proceedings online
This publication covers the following topics: Software Requirements,
Methodologies, and Architecture, Software Models and Modeling Software, Software
Engineering I, Software Engineering II.
Rates (USD):
Hardcopy: $50.00 + S&H
Online: $45.00
CD: $50.00 + S&H
Individual Articles: $25.00
Publication Numbers:
ISBN: 0-88986-504-3
ISBN (CD): 0-88986-475-6
SE 2004 - Software Engineering
Editor: M.H. Hamza
746 pages
Dates: February 17 - 19, 2004
Location: Innsbruck, Austria
the SE 2004 proceedings online
This publication covers the following topics: Software Architecture,
Object-oriented Analysis, Systems, Design and Data Visualization, Software
Analysis, Design and Development, Software Reliability, Reuse and Security,
Software Maintenance, Testing and Quality, Service, Software Methodologies
and Protocols, Software Engineering Applications, Software Tools, Programming
Languages, and Embedded Systems.
Special Session - Mobile Computing systems in Dynamic Environments
Rates (USD):
Hardcopy: $196.00 + S&H
Online: $175.00
CD: $196.00 + S&H
Individual Articles: $25.00
Publication Numbers:
ISSN: 1027-2666
ISBN: 0-88986-410-1
ISSN (CD): 1027-2666
ISBN (CD): 0-88986-381-4
CI 2010 - Computational Intelligence
Includes the symposia on:
Editors: F. Modave, S. Dascalu, A. Moallem
Dates: August 23 - 25, 2010
Location: Maui, Hawaii, USA
the CI 2010 proceedings online
This publication covers the following topics: Computational Intelligence and Applications; Digital Circuits and Systems; Analog and VLSI Circuits and Systems; Applications; Interaction Devices and Tools; User Interface Development.
Rates (USD):
Hardcopy: N/A
Online: $178.50
CD: $210.00 + S&H
Individual Articles: $25.00
Publication Number:
ISSN: 1482-7913
ISSN (CD): 1922-8066
ISBN (CD): 978-0-88986-846-5
CI 2009 - Computational Intelligence
Editor: B. Kovalerchuk
Dates: August 17 - 19, 2009
Location: Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
the CI 2009 proceedings online
This publication covers the following topics: Intelligent
Systems; Machine Learning and Data Mining; Evolutionary Computation; Systems Modelling and Control; Neuro and Fuzzy Systems.
Rates (USD):
Online: $142.80
CD: $168.00 + S&H
Individual Articles: $25.00
Publication Number:
ISBN (CD): 978-0-88986-806-9
CI 2007 - Computational Intelligence
Editor: R. Andonie
216 pages
Dates: July 2- 4, 2007
Location: Banff, Alberta, Canada
the CI 2007 proceedings online
This publication covers the following topics: Intelligent
Systems; Evolutionary Computation; Control and Systems Modelling; Neuro-Fuzzy
Systems; Machine Learning, Data Mining, and Databases.
Rates (USD):
Hardcopy: $130.00 + S&H
Online: $110.50
CD: $130.00 + S&H
Individual Articles: $25.00
Publication Numbers:
ISBN: 978-0-88986-671-3
ISBN (CD): 978-0-88986-672-0
CI 2006 - Computational Intelligence
Editor: B. Kovalerchuk
515 pages
Dates: November 20- 22, 2006
Location: San Francisco, California, USA
the CI 2006 proceedings online
This publication covers the following topics: Embedded and
Control Systems; Semantic Methods; Genetic Algorithms; Swarm Intelligence,
DNA Computing, and Multi-Agent Systems (MAS); Neural Networks; Evolutionary
Systems; Fuzzy Systems; Computer Vision and Speech Recognition; Data Fusion
and Mining; Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning; Probabilistic Methods.
Special Session - Natural Language Processing for Real Life
Rates (USD):
Hardcopy: $245.00 + S&H
Online: $215.00
CD: $245.00 + S&H
Individual Articles: $25.00
Publication Numbers:
ISBN: 0-88986-602-3
ISBN (CD): 0-88986-603-1
CI 2005 - Computational Intelligence
Editor: M.H. Hamza
465 pages
Dates: July 4 - 6, 2005
Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
the CI 2005 proceedings online
This publication covers the following topics: Adaptive and
Optimal Control, Ant Colony Optimization, Artificial Immune Systems, Artificial
Intelligence, Artificial Neural Systems, Associative Memory, Autonomous Systems,
Bioinformatics, Biological Computing, Chaotic and Complex Systems, Classification,
Clustering, Cognitive Processes, Communication Networks and Protocols, Computational
Genomics, Computational Intelligence and Telecommunications, Computer Vision,
Connectionism, Cooperative Robotics, Cultural Algorithms, Data Fusion and
Mining, Distributed Systems, DNA Computing, Educational Technology, Embedded
Systems, Evolutionary Systems, Evolvable Hardware, Expert Systems, Fault Diagnosis,
Fuzzy Systems, Genetic Algorithms, Genetic Programming, Hardware Implementation,
Hybrid Systems, Image Understanding, Immunocomputing, Intelligence Systems,
Knowledge Discovery, Learning Algorithms, Life Sciences, Machine Learning,
Memetic Algorithms, Model- Predictive Control, Molecular Computers, Multi-Agent
Systems (MAS), Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms, Natural Neural Systems,
Neural Genetic Systems, Neural Networks, Neural-Fuzzy Systems, Neural-Fuzzy-Genetic
Systems, Parallel Computing, Particle Swarm Optimization, Pattern Recognition,
Prediction and Time Series Analysis, Probabilistic Reasoning, Quantum Computing,
Real Time Control, Reinforcement Learning, Self-organizing Maps, Sensor Fusion,
Statistical Data Analysis, Support Vector Machines, Swarm Intelligence, System
Design Automation, System Identification, Technological Forecasting, Theory
and Foundations, Time Series Forecasting, and Applications of the above methods.
Rates (USD):
Hardcopy: $220.00 + S&H
Online: $200.00
CD: $220.00 + S&H
Individual Articles: $25.00
Publication Numbers:
ISBN: 0-88986-479-9
ISBN (CD): 0-88986-481-0
ACST 2008 - Advances in Computer
Science and Technology
Editor: S. Sahni
416 pages
Dates: April 2 - 4, 2008
Location: Langkawi, Malaysia
the ACST 2008 proceedings online
This publication covers the following topics: Web Technologies; Distributed and Parallel Computing; Software Engineering; Algorithms; Data Mining; Computer Architecture; Applications; Computational Intelligence.
Special Session - Ubiquitous Computing & Futuristic and Emerging Computing Paradigm
Rates (USD):
Hardcopy: N/A
Online: $243.95
CD: $287.00 + S&H
Individual Articles: $25.00
Publication Numbers:
ISBN (CD): 978-0-88986-730-7
ACST 2007 - Advances in Computer
Science and Technology
Editor: S. Sahni
568 pages
Dates: April 2- 4, 2007
Location: Phuket, Thailand
the ACST 2007 proceedings online
This publication covers the following topics: Architecture and VLSI Design; Web Technologies; Modelling and Testing; Networks; Graphics and Vision; Distributed and Parallel Computing; Interdisciplinary Applications; Algorithms; Software Engineering; Data Mining.
Special Session - Cybernetic Application
Rates (USD):
Hardcopy: N/A
Online: $219.30
CD: $258.00 + S&H
Individual Articles: $25.00
Publication Numbers:
ISBN (CD): 978-0-88986-656-0
ACST 2006 - Advances in Computer
Science and Technology
Editor: S. Sahni
465 pages
Dates: January 23 - 25, 2006
Location: Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
the ACST 2006 proceedings online
This publication covers the following topics: Embedded and Control Systems; Semantic Methods; Genetic Algorithms; Swarm Intelligence, DNA Computing, and Multi-Agent Systems (MAS); Neural Networks; Evolutionary Systems; Fuzzy Systems; Computer Vision and Speech Recognition; Data Fusion and Mining; Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning; Probabilistic Methods.
Special Session -Natural Language Processing for Real Life Applications
Rates (USD):
Hardcopy: N/A
Online: $168.00
CD: $198.00 + S&H
Individual Articles: $25.00
Publication Numbers:
ISBN: 0-88986-479-9
ISBN (CD): 0-88986-481-0
ACST 2004 - Advances in Computer
Science and Technology
Editor: S. Sahni
334 pages
Dates: November 22 - 24, 2004
Location: St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands
the ACST 2004 proceedings online
This publication covers the following topics: Databases and
Data Mining, Visualization and Computer Graphics, Web Technologies, Algorithms,
Compilers, Networks and Communications, Software Engineering, Architecture
and VLSI Design, Biomedical Informatics, and Mobile and Pervasive Computing.
Rates (USD):
Hardcopy: N/A
Online: $125.00
CD: $140.00 + S&H
Individual Articles: $25.00
Publication Numbers:
ISSN: 1482-7905
ISBN: 0-88986-437-3
ISSN (CD): 482-7905
ISBN (CD): 0-88986-439-X
CST 2003 - Computer Science and Technology
Editor: S. Sahni
436 pages
Dates: November 22 - 24, 2004
Location: St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands
the CST 2003 proceedings online
This publication covers the following topics: Software engineering,
QoS Architectures, VLSI, CAD and Architecture Web Technologies, Databases
and Data Mining, Applications, Distributed Computing, Computer Networks, and
Rates (USD):
Hardcopy: N/A
Online: $135.00
Individual Articles: $25.00
Publication Number:
ISBN: 0-88986-349-0
CASB 2006 - Computational and Systems
Editor: D.-Z. Du
100 pages
Dates: November 13 - 15, 2006
Location: Dallas, Texas, USA
the CASB 2006 proceedings online
This publication covers the following topics: Biology Systems
and Structure; Computational Biology; Medical and Other Topics.
Rates (USD):
Hardcopy: N/A
Online: $50.00
CD: $60.00 + S&H
Individual Articles: $25.00
Publication Number:
ISBN: 0-88986-601-5
ACSE 2010 - Advances in Computer Science and Engineering
Includes the symposium on Internet and Multimedia Systems and Applications (AfricaIMSA 2010)
Editor: A. Rafea
Dates: March 15 – 17, 2010
Location: Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt
the ACSE 2010 proceedings online
This publication covers the following topics: Algorithms and Computational Theory; Computational Intelligence; Software Engineering; Computer Architecture and Distributed Systems; Interdisciplinary Applications of Computer Science and Technology.
Special Session: Applications in Grey System
Rates (USD):
Hardcopy: N/A
Online: $85.00
CD: $100.00 + S&H
Individual Articles: $25.00
Publication Number:
ISBN (CD): 978-0-88986-830-4
ACSE 2009 - Advances in Computer Science and Engineering
Editor: V. Kachitvichyanukul
Dates: March 16 – 18, 2009
Location: Phuket, Thailand
the ACSE 2009 proceedings online
This publication covers the following topics: Data Mining and Database Theory; Computational Intelligence; Computer Network and Communications; Parallel Computing and Bioinformatics; Software Engineering; Computer Graphics and Web Technology.
Rates (USD):
Online: $147.05
CD: $173.00 + S&H
Individual Articles: $25.00
Publication Numbers:
ISBN (CD): 978-0-88986-790-1