Robotics and Applications |
RA 2010 (Nov. 2010) |
*NEW* RA 2009 |
RA 2007 |
RA 2006 |
RA 2005 |
RA 2004 |
RA 2003 |
RA 2001 |
RA 2000 |
Robotics, Telematics, and Applications |
*NEW* RTA 2009 |
Robotics and Manufacturing |
RA 2010 - Robotics and Applications
Available November 2010.
RA 2009 - Robotics and Applications
Editor: H. Asada
Dates: November 2 – 4, 2009
Location: Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
the RA 2009 proceedings online
This publication covers the following topics: Telerobotics and Control; Robotic Manipulator and Control; Pathplanning and Tracking; Medical and Personal; Modelling, Identification, and Control; Artificial Intelligence, Autonomous, and Mobile Robots; Robot Design and Architecture; and Robot Simulation and Control.
Rates (USD):
Hardcopy: N/A
Online: $221.00
CD: $260.00 + S&H
Individual Articles: $25.00
Publication Numbers:
ISBN (CD): 978-0-88986-813-7
RA 2007 - Robotics and Applications and Telematics
Editor: K. Schilling
Dates: August 29 - 31, 2007
Location: Wuerzburg, Germany
the RA 2007 proceedings online
This publication covers the following topics: Modeling, Identification
and Control; Biomimetic Robotics; Robot Navigation and Localization; Applications;
Telerobotics and Communication; Unmanned Aerial Vehicles; Robot Design and
Architecture; Human Robot Interaction; Computer Vision; Robot Sensing; Humanoid
Robots; Multi Robot Systems; Medical Robotics and Healthcare; Robot Data Processing;
Simulation; Manipulators; and Parallel Robots.
Special Sessions: Outdoor Robotics – Taking Robots
Off Road; Networked Robotics; Telematics.
Rates (USD):
Hardcopy: $254.00 + S&H
Online: $215.9
CD: $254.00 + S&H
Individual Articles: $25.00
Publication Numbers:
ISBN: 978-0-88986-685-0
ISBN (CD): 978-0-88986-686-7
RA 2006 - Robotics and Applications
Editor: M. H. Hamza
210 pages
Dates: August 14 - 16, 2006
Location: Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
the RA 2006 proceedings online
This publication covers the following topics: Robot Applications;
Design and Architecture; Manipulators, Motion, and Path Planning.
Rates (USD):
Hardcopy: N/A
Online: $96.00
CD: $126.00 + S&H
Individual Articles: $25.00
Publication Numbers:
ISSN: 1027-264X
ISBN: 0-88986-595-7
ISSN (CD): 1027-264X
ISBN (CD): 0-88986-597-3
RA 2005 - Robotics and Applications
Editor: L.A. Gerhardt
Dates: October 31 - November 2, 2005
Location: Cambridge, Masschusetts, USA
the RA 2005 proceedings online
This publication covers the following topics: Artificial
Intelligence and Telerobotics; Space Robotics; Modelling, Identification,
and Control; Manipulators and Manufacturing Applications; Biomechanics; Parallel
and Mobile Robots; and Computer Vision.
Rates (USD):
Hardcopy: N/A;H
Online: $190.00
CD: $220.00 + S&H
Individual Articles: $25.00
Publication Numbers:
ISSN: 1027-264X
ISBN: 0-88986-521-3
ISSN (CD): 1027-264X
ISBN (CD): 0-88986-523-X
RA 2004 - Robotics and Applications
Editor: M. Kamel
268 pages
Dates: August 23 - 25, 2004
Location: Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
the RA 2004 proceedings online
This publication covers the following topics: Manipulators;
Multiple Robot Systems; Applications; Robotic Machine Vision; Intelligent
Autonomous Robots; Robot Control; Parallel and Linked Robots.
Rates (USD):
Hardcopy: $110.00 + S&H
Online: $100.00
CD: $110.00 + S&H
Individual Articles: $25.00
Publication Numbers:
ISSN: 1027-264X
ISBN: 0-88986-438-1
ISSN (CD): 1027-264X
ISBN (CD): 088986-446-2
RA 2003 - Robotics and Applications
Editor: M. H. Hamza
232 pages
Dates: June 25 - 27, 2003
Location: Salzburg, Austria
the RA 2003 proceedings online
This publication covers the following topics: Artificial
Intelligence; Tele-robotics; Robot Design; Control; Automation and Applications;
Motion Planning and Control; and Robot Modelling and Sensing.
Rates (USD):
Hardcopy: $101.00 + S&H
Online: $90.00
Individual Articles: $25.00
Publication Numbers:
ISSN: 1027-264X
ISBN: 0-88986-357-1
RA 2001 - Robotics and Applications
Editor: M. H. Hamza
239 pages
This publication covers the following topics: Tele-robotics;
Tele-operation and Virtual Reality; Industrial Automation and Applications
in Manufacturing; Robot Design; Development and Control; Mobile Robots; Multi-robot
Systems and Autonomous Systems.
Rates (USD):
Hardcopy: $70.00 + S&H
Online: N/A
Individual Articles: N/A
Publication Numbers:
ISSN: 1027-264X
ISBN: 0-88986-313-X
RA 2000 - Robotics and Applications
Editor: M. H. Hamza
270 pages
This publication covers the following topics: Manipulators
and Motion Planning; Control and Robotics; Mobile Robots; and Robots and Applications.
Rates (USD):
Hardcopy: $110.00 + S&H
Online: N/A
Individual Articles: N/A
Publication Numbers:
ISSN: 1027-264X
ISBN: 0-88986-298-2
RTA 2009 - Robotics, Telematics and Applications
Published as a part of
MSI 2009 - Modelling, Simulation, and Identification
RM 2001 - Robotics and Manufacturing
Editor: M. H. Hamza
260 pages
This publication covers the following topics: Robot Architecture;
Design and Analysis; Robotics Control; Motion Planning and Scheduling; Supply
Chain Development and Management; Process and Production Planning; Scheduling
and Control; Manufacturing Systems and New Technologies; Sensing and Data
Fusion; Vision; Virtual Environments and Simulation Models.
Rates (USD):
Hardcopy: $85.00 + S&H
Online: N/A
Individual Articles: N/A
Publication Numbers:
ISSN: 1027-264X
ISBN: 0-88986-281-8
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