Parallel and Distributed Computing and Networks |
Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems |
*NEW* PDCN 2010 | PDCS 2010 (Nov 2010) | |
PDCN 2009 | *NEW* PDCS 2009 | |
PDCN 2008 | PDCS 2008 | |
PDCN 2007 | PDCS 2007 | |
PDCN 2006 | PDCS 2006 | |
PDCN 2005 | PDCS 2005 | |
PDCN 2004 | PDCS 2004 | |
PDCS 2003 | ||
Sensor Networks | PDCS 2002 | |
SN 2008 | PDCS 2001 | |
Distributed and Intelligent Multimedia Systems |
Networks, Parallel and Distributed Processing, and Applications |
DIMS 2008 | NPDPA 2002 | |
Distributed Sensor Networks |
NPDPA 2001 | |
DSN 2008 |
Editor: M.H. Hamza
Dates: February 16 - 18, 2010
Location: Innsbruck, Austria
the PDCN 2010 proceedings online
This publication covers the following topics: Grid Computing; Parallel Processing; Parallel Programming; Fault Tolerance; Wireless Networks and Computer Networks; High Performance Computing and Architectures; Algorithms and Scheduling.
Rates (USD):
Hardcopy: $220.00 + S&H
Online: $187.00
CD: $220.00 + S&H
Individual Articles: $25.00
Publication Numbers:
ISBN: 978-0-88986-834-2
ISBN (CD): 978-0-88986-820-5
Editor: M.H. Hamza
Dates: February 16 - 18, 2009
Location: Innsbruck, Austria
the PDCN 2009 proceedings online
This publication covers the following topics: Networks; Algorithms; Parallel Processing; Distributed and High Performance Computing; Modelling, Simulation, and Optimization.
Rates (USD):
Hardcopy: $202.00 + S&H
Online: $171.70
CD: $202.00 + S&H
Individual Articles: $25.00
Publication Numbers:
ISBN: 978-0-88986-783-3
ISBN (CD): 978-0-88986-784-0
PDCN 2008 - Parallel and Distributed
Computing and Networks
Editor: H. Burkhart
Dates: February 12 - 14, 2008
Location: Innsbruck, Austria
the PDCN 2008 proceedings online
This publication covers the following topics: Software Development and Middleware; Cluster and Grid Computing;
Mobile Computing and Networks; Web Technologies; Parallel and Distributed Algorithms and Programming; Resource Allocation. .
Rates (USD):
Hardcopy: $223.00 + S&H
Online: $189.55
CD: $223.00 + S&H
Individual Articles: $25.00
Publication Numbers:
ISBN: 978-0-88986-713-0
ISBN (CD): 978-0-88986-714-7
PDCN 2007 - Parallel and Distributed
Computing and Networks
Editor: H. Burkhart
401 pages
Dates: February 13 - 15, 2007
Location: Innsbruck, Austria
the PDCN 2007 proceedings online
This publication covers the following topics: Wireless and
Ad-Hoc Networks; Cluster and Grid Computing; Modelling and Simulation;Scheduling,
Optimization, and Load Balancing; Interconnection Networks, Routing, and Architectures;
High-Performance Computing and Programming Tools; Data, Multimedia, and Application
Issues; Parallel and Distributed Computing.
Rates (USD):
Hardcopy: $211.00 + S&H
Online: $179.35
CD: $211.00 + S&H
Individual Articles: $25.00
Publication Numbers:
ISBN: 978-0-88986-637-9
ISBN (CD): 978-0-88986-639-3
PDCN 2006 - Parallel and Distributed
Computing and Networks
Editor: T. Fahringer
Dates: February 14 - 16, 2006
Location: Innsbruck, Austria
the PDCN 2006 proceedings online
This publication covers the following topics: Grid Computing;
Wireless Networks; Networks; Distributed and Real Time Systems; Performance
and Evaluation; Internet Tools, Mobile, and Personal Computing; and Algorithms.
Rates (USD):
Hardcopy: N/A
Online: $160.00
CD: $190.00 + S&H
Individual Articles: $25.00
Publication Numbers:
ISSN: 1027-2666
ISBN: 0-88986-568-X
ISSN (CD): 1027-2666
ISBN (CD): 0-88986-570-1
PDCN 2005 - Parallel and Distributed
Computing and Networks
Editors: T. Fahringer & M.H. Hamza
738 pages
Dates: February 15 - 17, 2005
Location: Innsbruck, Austria
the PDCN 2005 proceedings online
This publication covers the following topics: Architectures,
Wireless Networks, Computer Networks, Interconnection Networks and Protocols,
Parallel Programming and Applications, Parallelization Technologies, Grid
Computing, Mobile Computing, Distributed Real- Time Systems, Distributed Computing
and Web Technologies, Distributed Multimedia Systems, Fault Tolerance and
Reliability, Operating Systems and Scheduling, Modeling and Simulation, Performance
Evaluation, Algorithms, Service Orientation in Intelligent Industrial, Automotive,
Telecommunication, and Home Environments.
Rates (USD):
Hardcopy: $285.00 + S&H
Online: $255.00
CD: $285.00 + S&H
Individual Articles: $25.00
Publication Numbers:
ISSN: 1027-2666
ISBN: 0-88986-468-3
ISSN (CD): 1027-2666
ISBN (CD): 0-88986-470-5
PDCN 2004 - Parallel and Distributed
Computing and Networks
Editor: M.H. Hamza
671 pages
Dates: February 17 - 19, 2004
Location: Innsbruck, Austria
See the PDCN 2004 proceedings online
This publication covers the following topics: Cluster and
Grid Computing, Scheduling and Resource Allocation, Mobile Computing and Wireless
Networks, Reliability, Performance Evaluation and Qos, Routing and Interconnection
Networks, Web Technologies, Distributed Algorithms and Systems, Computer Networks
and Communications, Fault Tolerance, Parallel Computing, Parallel Computing
Systems, and Parallel Processing and Programming.
Rates (USD):
Hardcopy: $210.00 + S&H
Online: $190.00
CD: $210.00 + S&H
Individual Articles: $25.00
Publication Numbers:
ISSN: 1027-2666
ISBN: 0-88986-369-5
ISSN (CD): 1027-2666
ISBN (CD): 0-88986-381-4
SN 2008 - Sensor Networks
Editor: B. Kaminska
Dates: September 29 – October 1, 2008
Location: Crete, Greece
See the SN 2008 proceedings online
This publication covers the following topics: Algorithms
and Methods; WSN; Power and Energy Applications.
Rates (USD):
Hardcopy: $77.00 + S&H
Online: $65.45
CD: $77.00 + S&H
Individual Articles: $25.00
Publication Numbers:
ISBN: 978-0-88986-771-0
ISBN (CD): 978-0-88986-772-7
DSN 2008 - Distributed Sensor Networks
Published as a part of
PDCS 2008 - Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems
Includes the symposia on:
Distributed Sensor Networks (DSN 2008)
Distributed and Intelligent Multimedia Systems (DIMS 2008)
DIMS 2008 - Distributed and Intelligent Multimedia Systems
Published as a part of
PDCS 2008 - Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems
Includes the symposia on:
Distributed Sensor Networks (DSN 2008)
Distributed and Intelligent Multimedia Systems (DIMS 2008)
PDCS 2010 - Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems
Available November 2010.
PDCS 2009 - Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems
Editor: T.F. Gonzalez
Dates: November 2 – 4, 2009
Location: Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
the PDCS 2009 proceedings online
This publication covers the following topics: Distributed Computing; Network Security; Fault Tolerance and Network Performance and Multicore Systems; Grid and Cloud Computing; Distributed Computing and FPGA and GPU Processing; Wireless and Mobile Networks; Applications and Tools.
Rates (USD):
Hardcopy: $185.00 + S&H
Online: $157.25
CD: $185.00 + S&H
Individual Articles: $25.00
Publication Numbers:
ISBN: 978-0-88986-838-0
ISBN (CD): 978-0-88986-811-3
PDCS 2008 - Parallel and Distributed
Computing and Systems
Includes the symposia on:
Distributed Sensor Networks (DSN 2008)
Distributed and Intelligent Multimedia Systems (DIMS 2008)
Editor: T.F. Gonzalez
475 pages
Dates: November 16 – 18, 2008
Location: Orlando, Florida, USA
the PDCS 2008 proceedings online
This publication covers the following topics: Scheduling and Load Balancing; Wireless Networks; Routing Algorithms and Protocols; Applications and Systems; Grid and Distributed Computing; Software Systems and Tools; Distributed Data; MultiCore and Multithreading.
Rates (USD):
Hardcopy: $310.00 + S&H
Online: $263.50
CD: $310.00 + S&H
Individual Articles: $25.00
Publication Numbers:
ISBN: 978-0-88986-773-4
ISBN (CD): 978-0-88986-774-1
PDCS 2007 - Parallel and Distributed
Computing and Systems
Editor: S.Q. Zheng
Dates: November 19 – 21, 2007
Location: Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
the PDCS 2007 proceedings online
This publication covers the following topics: Grid and
Cluster Computing; Grid Computing; Web Computing and Data Mining; Scheduling
and Load Balancing; Simulation and Performance Evaluation; Applications;
Software Systems and Tools; Wireless and Sensor Networks; Scheduling and
Resource Allocation; Algorithms and Protocols; Peer-to-Peer Systems.
Special Session - Issues in Next Generation Internet
Rates (USD):
Hardcopy: $336.00 + S&H
Online: $285.60
CD: $336.00 + S&H
Individual Articles: $25.00
Publication Numbers:
ISBN: 978-0-88986-703-1
ISBN (CD): 978-0-88986-704-8
PDCS 2006 - Parallel and Distributed
Computing and Systems
Editor: S.Q. Zheng
714 pages
Dates: November 13 - 15, 2006
Location: Dallas, Texas, USA
the PDCS 2006 proceedings online
This publication covers the following topics: Simulation
and Performance Evaluation; Scheduling and Resource Allocation; Software Systems;
Scheduling and Load Balancing; Peer-to-Peer Systems; Communication Algorithms
and Protocols; Grid and Cluster Computing; Wireless and Sensor Networks; Algorithms;
Architectures; Reliablity and Security; Web Computing and Data Mining; Grid
Special Session 1 - Wireless Mesh Networks
Special Session 2 - High Performance Interconnection Networks
Rates (USD):
Hardcopy: N/A
Online: $275.00
CD: $305.00 + S&H
Individual Articles: $25.00
Publication Numbers:
ISBN: 0-88986-638-4
ISBN (CD): 0-88986-640-6
PDCS 2005 - Parallel and Distributed
Computing and Systems
Editor: S.Q. Zheng
Dates: November 14 - 16, 2005
Location: Phoenix, Arizona, USA
the PDCS 2005 proceedings online
This publication covers the following topics: Grid Computing;
Caching; Load Balancing and Scheduling; Scheduling Algorithms; Software Tools;
Wireless and Sensor Networks; Web-based and Real-Time Systems; Algorithms;
Distributed Software Systems; Protocols; Cluster Computing; Modelling and
Simulation; Security Issues; Applications; Architecture; Routing and Switching;
and Distributed Algorithms and Applications for Wireless and Mobile Systems.
Rates (USD):
Hardcopy: N/A
Online: $300.00
CD: $320.00 + S&H
Individual Articles: $25.00
Publication Numbers:
ISSN: 1027-2658
ISBN: 0-88986-525-6
ISSN (CD): 1027-2658
ISBN (CD): 0-88986-527-2
PDCS 2004 - Parallel and Distributed
Computing and Systems
Editor: T. Gonzalez
923 pages
Dates: November 9 - 11, 2004
Location: Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
the PDCS 2004 proceedings online
This publication covers the following topics: This publication
covers the following topics: Grid Computing, Routing, Communications and Data
Access, Distributed Computing, Wireless Networks, Load Balancing, Compiler
and Run-Time Support, Reconfigurable Architecture and FPGA’s, Scheduling,
Security Issues, Algorithms, Agents and Data Mining, Tools, Utilities and
Frameworks, Scientific Computing, Web Services and Tools, Multithreading,
Concurrent Programs, Applications, Modelling and QoS.
Rates (USD):
Hardcopy: N/A
Online: $315.00
CD: $350.00 + S&H
Individual Articles: $25.00
Publication Numbers:
ISSN: 1027-2658
ISBN: 0-88986-421-7
ISSN (CD): 1027-2658
ISBN (CD): 0-88989-423-3
PDCS 2003 - Parallel and Distributed
Computing and Systems
Editor: T. Gonzalez
950 pages
Dates: November 3 - 5, 2003
Location: Marina del Rey, California, USA
the PDCS 2003 proceedings online
This publication covers the following topics:
Volume I: Grid Computing, Routing Techniques, Parallel I/O and Distributed
Data, Distributed Computing, Wireless Networks, Load Balancing, Programming
Languages and Systems, Compiler and Run-time Support, Hardware Design, Communication
Issues, P2P and Group Communications, Scheduling and Resource Allocation,
and Security issues.
Volume II: Algorithms, Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms, Distributed
Agents, Software Systems and Tools, Scientific Computing, Web Services and
Tools, Software Architecture, Networks, and Synthesis for Programmable Systems.
Rates (USD):
Hardcopy: $208.00 + S&H
Online: $190.00
CD: $208.00
Individual Articles: $25.00
Publication Numbers:
ISSN: 1027-2658
ISBN: 0-88986-392-X
PDCS 2002 - Parallel and Distributed
Computing and Systems
Editors: S.G. Akl & T. Gonzalez
860 pages
Dates: November 4 - 6, 2002
Location: Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
the PDCS 2002 proceedings online
This publication covers the following topics: Grid Computing,
Routing Algorithms and Complexity, Parallel Algorithms and Applications, Distributed
Data, Distributed Systems, Wireless Communications, Load Distribution, Programming
Systems, Tools and Applications, Cluster Computing, Hardware Architectures,
Image Processing and Applications, Network Routing and Routers, Networks and
Systems, Compilation Techniques, Memory Access and Systems, Scheduling, Optical
Networking and Communication Systems.
Rates (USD):
Hardcopy: $189.00 + S&H
Online: $189.00
Individual Articles: $25.00
Publication Numbers:
ISSN: 1027-2658
ISBN: 0-88986-366-0
Back to top
PDCS 2001 - Parallel and Distributed
Computing and Systems
Editors: M. Guizani & X. Shen
699 pages
This publication covers the following topics: Web-based systems,
Web-based Databases and Query Processing, Compiler and Run-time Support, Image
Processing and Applications, Load Balancing and Scheduling, Distributed Objects,
Interconnection Networks and Routing, Wireless Networks, Parallel and Distributed
Algorithms, Network Performance and Protocols, Networks and Systems, Real-time
Systems, Network Security, Distributed Shared Memory and Cache, and Software
Rates (USD):
Hardcopy: $170.00 + S&H
Online: N/A
Individual Articles: n/a
Publication Numbers:
ISSN: 1027-2658
ISBN: 0-88986-307-5
Back to top
Editor: B. Kaminska
96 pages
Dates:September 29 – October 1, 2008
Location:Crete, Greece
the SN 2008 proceedings online
This publication covers the following topics: Algorithms and Methods; WSN; Power and Energy Applications.
Rates (USD):
Hardcopy: $77.00 + S&H
Online: $65.45
CD: $77.00 + S&H
Individual Articles: $25.00
Publication Numbers:
ISBN: 978-0-88986-771-0
ISBN (CD): 978-0-88986-772-7
NPDPA 2002 - Networks, Parallel
and Distributed Processing, and Applications
Editors: J. Li, K. Kato, & H. Kameda
512 pages
Dates: October 1 - 4, 2002
Location: Tsukuba, Japan
the NPDPA 2002 proceedings online
This publication covers the following topics: Parallel Computing,
Mobile Networking, Networking and QOS, Real-time Systems, Distributed Computing,
Internet Computing, High Performance Computing, Applications, Internet Computing
and Security.
Rates (USD):
Hardcopy: $161.00 + S&H
Online: $161.00
Individual Articles: N/A
Publication Number:
ISBN: 0-88986-366-0
NPDPA 2001 - Networks, Parallel
and Distributed Processing, and Applications; Software
Editor: M.H. Hamza
740 pages
This publication covers the following topics: Parallel and
Distributed Computing Systems, Software and Simulation, Fault Tolerance, Optimization
and Performance Evaluation, Scheduling Techniques and Queuing Systems, Applications
in Software Engineering, Multimedia and the Internet, Broadband IP, ATM and
Mobile Networks, Network Technologies, Architectures and Applications, Distributed
Database and Data Structures, Interconnection Networks, Parallel Algorithms
and Applications, Software Tools, Algorithms and Applications, Web-based Software
Engineering Re-use and Applications, Programming Languages and Applications,
Software Design, Development and Testing, and Data Mining and Data Warehousing.
Rates (USD):
Hardcopy: $110.00 + S&H
Online: N/A
Individual Articles: $25.00
Publication Numbers:
ISSN: 1027-2666
ISBN: 0-88986-320-2