Parallel and Distributed Computing and Networks    (PDCN 2006)

February 14 – 16, 2006
Innsbruck, Austria
Editor(s): T. Fahringer
333 pages
Other Years:

Abstracts may contain minor errors and formatting inconsistencies.
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Track Grid Computing FreeSubscription
517-029 Grid Load Balancing using an Echo System of Intelligent Ants
M.A. Salehi and H. Deldari (Iran)
517-037 GridSAT Architecture: A Step Further Towards Security and Efficiency
G. Aloisio, M. Cafaro, I. Epicoco, S. Fiore, and M. Tana (Italy)
517-058 A Scheduler for Local Grid Resource Domain in High Throughput Environment
W. Sun, Y. Inoguchi, and Y. Zhang (Japan)
517-061 Grid Resource Negotiation: Survey with a Machine Learning Perspective
C. Briquet and P.-A. de Marneffe (Belgium)
517-070 GDSE: A New Data Source Oriented Computing Element for Grid
E. Ambrosi, A. Ghiselli, and G. Taffoni (Italy)
517-094 Resource Brokering in Grid Environments using Evolutionary Algorithms
W. Süss, W. Jakob, A. Quinte, and K.-U. Stucky (Germany)
517-104 An Overview of VOAC, a Virtual Organizations Access Control Infrastructure
A. Bottoni and G. Dini (Italy)
517-120 A Grid based Neural Network Execution Service
L. Krammer, E. Schikuta, and H. Wanek (Austria)
517-121 Design and Implementation of a Grid Network-Aware Resource Broker
D. Adami, S. Giordana, M. Repeti, M. Coppola, D. Laforenza, and N. Tonellotto (Italy)
Track Wireless Networks FreeSubscription
517-006 Using an Updating of DHCP in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks
C.N. Ojeda-Guerra, C. Ley-Bosch, and I. Alonso-González (Spain)
517-028 Cross-Layer Designs for Mitigating Range Attacks in Ad Hoc Networks
J.V.E. Mölsä (Finland)
517-032 Experimental Evaluation of IEEE 802.11e
I. Alonso-González, C. Ley-Bosch, and C.N. Ojeda-Guerra (Spain)
517-044 AdProc: An Adaptive Routing Framework to Provide QoS in Wireless Sensor Networks
K. Gundappachikkenahalli and H.H. Ali (USA)
517-045 Evaluating the Use of Motes and TinyOS for a Mobile Sensor Platform
J. Thomsen (Denmark) and D. Husemann (Switzerland)
517-085 Scalable and Secure Group Rekeying in Wireless Sensor Networks
G. Dini and I.M. Savino (Italy)
517-808 Static Priority Scheduling with Channel Error Compensation for Wireless IP Networks
J. Martyna (Poland)
Track Networks FreeSubscription
517-049 A Comparison Study of Optical MIN Networks with Parallel Planes
Q. Yang (USA)
517-050 Future Networking for Scalable I/O
H. Chen, J. Decker, and N. Bierbaum (USA)
517-062 'QNA Reloaded' - A Tool for Traffic Engineering in Medical Grade Networks
T.H. Szymanski and D. Gilbert (Canada)
517-063 Effects of Processing Delay on Function-Parallel Firewalls
R.J. Farley and E.W. Fulp (USA)
517-076 Benefits of Wavelength Conversion in Optical WDM Mesh Networks with Dynamic Routing
K. Lukac (Switzerland), Z. Lukac, and M. Tkalic (Croatia)
517-106 Eliminating Clustering in the Propagation Tree of Semantic Peer-to-Peer Networks
B. Forstner, R. Kereskényi, and H. Charaf (Hungary)
517-107 Longest Paths and Cycles in Faulty Hypercubes
C.-N. Hung, Y.-H. Chang, and C.-M. Sun (Taiwan)
517-130 Policy based On-Demand Bandwidth Provisioning and Assurance in DiffServ Enabled MPLS Networks
A. Hafid (Canada), N. Natarajan, K. Kim, S. Gadgil, and G. Lapiotis (USA)
517-803 Impact of Employing Different Security Levels on QoS Parameters in Virtual Private Networks
P.K. Yogender and H.H. Ali (USA)
517-805 Process Control Across Network
L. Yliniemi and K. Leiviskä (Finland)
Track Distributed and Real Time Systems FreeSubscription
517-023 Checkpointing and Rollback-Recovery Protocol Integrated with VsSG Protocol for RYW Session Guarantee
J. Brzeziński, and A. Kobusińska (Poland)
517-024 Achieving Realtime Capabilities in Ethernet Networks by Edge-Coloring of Communication Conflict-Multigraphs
F. Dopatka and R. Wismüller (Germany)
517-043 Order and Balance in Continuously-Fault-Tolerant Distributions of Objects
G. Coucopoulos, N. Goel, A. Nayak, and N. Santoro (Canada)
517-079 Improving Connection Management of the OpenLDAP Directory Server
S.S. Lim (Korea), J.H. Choi, H. Franke, and K.D. Zeilenga (USA)
517-092 Distributed Knowledge Discovery with the Parallel KDDML System
A. Romei, M. Sciolla, F. Turini, and M. Valentini (Italy)
517-108 A Central and Secured Logging Data Solution for Xen Virtual Machine
N.A. Quynh and Y. Takefuji (Japan)
517-116 A Distributed and Multithreaded Neural Event Driven Simulation Framework
A. Mouraud, H. Paugam-Moisy, and D. Puzenat (France)
517-124 Reference Specification Issues in On-line Verification by Passive Testing
K.M. Brzezinski and N. Malinski (Poland)
517-801 Analysis of Efficient TDMA Schedules via the Fat-Tree Network with Real-Time Many-to-Many Communication
B. Wang, M. Jonsson, and X. Fan (Sweden)
Track Performance Evaluation FreeSubscription
517-067 The Impact of Loss Generation on Emulation-based Protocol Evaluation
J. Garcia, S. Alfredsson, and A. Brunstrom (Sweden)
517-069 When is it Convenient to Predict the Web Services Completion Time?
E. Ambrosi, M. Bianchi, and G. Felici (Italy)
517-100 Studies on Braess-like Paradoxes for Non-Cooperative Dynamic Load Balancing in Distributed Computer Systems
S.F. El-Zoghdy (Egypt)
517-103 A Study on Architecture and Performance of Service Delivery Platform in Home Networks
I.-W. Lee, H.-J. Park, K.-R. Park, and S.-H. Kim (Korea)
517-110 Studying the Performance of Overlapping Communication and Computation by Active Message: INUKTITUT Case
N.-A. Le-Khac
517-128 Novel Technique for Accelerated Simulation of Storage Systems
T. Courtney, F. Chevalier, and Y. Li (UK)
517-132 Improving Object Cache Performance through Selective Placement
S. Hosseini-Khayat (UAE)
Track Internet Tools, Mobile, and Personal Computing FreeSubscription
517-007 Searching and Detecting Spatial LSB Steganographic Images on the Internet
X. Luo, J. Luo, and F. Liu (PRC)
517-038 Critical Path Routing (CPR) Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
I. El Kabary, S. Ghoniemy, and A. Elnahas (Egypt)
517-074 WEBCAP: Internet Tool for Periodical Scheduling of Data Refreshing with Workload Considerations
S. Habib and M. Safar (Kuwait)
517-075 Indexing of Spatio-Temporal Telemetric Data based on Distributed Mobile Bucket Index
M. Gorawski and A. Dyga (Poland)
517-102 Design of Implementation of a Compatible Keyboard Controller for Keyboards and Mice
Y.-W. Bai and H.-C. Chen (Taiwan)
Track Algorithms FreeSubscription
517-013 Deployment of Parallel Direct Sparse Linear Solvers WITHIN a Parallel Finite Element Code
A.N.F. Klimowicz, M.D. Mihajlović, and M. Heil (UK)
517-064 Various Island-based Parallel Genetic Algorithms for the 2-Page Drawing Problem
H. He, O. Sýkora, and A. Salagean (UK)
517-099 Performance of a New Scheme for Bidiagonal Singular Value Decomposition of Large Scale
M. Takata, K. Kimura, M. Iwasaki, and Y. Nakamura (Japan)
517-802 A New Algorithm for Reducing Communication Cost of Time-dependent Monte Carlo Transport
L. Deng and H. Xu (PRC)
Abstracts may contain minor errors and formatting inconsistencies.
Please contact us if you have any concerns or questions.

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Rates (USD):   N/A (Hardcopy) ;  $96.00 (Online) ;  $114.00 (CD)

(The Hardcopy and CD proceedings also include the Online version)

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Online Edition $96.00
CD Edition $114.00
Individual Articles (Online): $40.00  
Hard Copy Subscriptions are not available for PDCN 2006
ISSN: 1925-7937 ;
ISBN: 0-88986-568-X ;
ISSN (CD): 1924-200X ;
ISBN (CD): 0-88986-570-1 ;
ISSN (Online): N/A ;

This publication covers the following topics: Grid Computing; Wireless Networks; Networks; Distributed and Real Time Systems; Performance and Evaluation; Internet Tools, Mobile, and Personal Computing; and Algorithms.

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