Grid Load Balancing using an Echo System of Intelligent Ants

M.A. Salehi and H. Deldari (Iran)


ARMS, Ant colony, Grid computing, and Load balancing


A computational grid is a widespread computing environment that provides huge computational power for large-scale distributed applications. One of the most important issues in such an environment is resource management for which agent-based approaches are appropriate. Load balancing as a part of resource management, has a considerable effect on performance. Ant colony is a metaheuristic that can be instrumental for grid load balancing. This paper presents an echo system of intelligent, autonomous and cooperative ants. The ants in this environment can procreate and also may commit suicide depending on existing conditions. A new concept called Ant level load balancing is presented for improving the performance of the mechanism. A performance evaluation model is derived. Theoretical analyses and simulation results indicate that this new mechanism surpasses its predecessor.

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