Wireless Sensor Networks    (WSN 2006)

July 3 – 4, 2006
Wireless and Optical Communication MultiConference
Editor(s): B. Kaminska
572 pages
Other Years:

Abstracts may contain minor errors and formatting inconsistencies.
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Track Application Requirements and Case Studies FreeSubscription
538-009 Awareness of Wireless Sensor Network Potential in Healthcare Industry: A Second UTAUT Study
E. Lubrin, E. Lawrence, K.F. Navarro, and A. Zmijewska (Australia)
538-013 Deployment of Ad-Hoc Sensor Networks in Underground Mines
A. Chehri, P. Fortier, and P.-M. Tardif (Canada)
538-020 Passive Wireless Temperature Sensing using RF Technology for an Automotive Application
D. Gould, A. Sklorz, M. Meiners, W. Lang, and W. Benecke (Germany)
538-027 Scale-Free Wireless Sensor Networks
K.B. Chia, W. Su, and T.T. Ha (USA)
538-028 DirQ: A Directed Query Dissemination Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks
S. Chatterjea (The Netherlands), S. De Luigi (Italy), and P. Havinga (The Netherlands)
538-800 Mutual Information Helping to Design Wireless Sensor Network with Censoring Data Transmission and On/Off Sensors
N.M. Murad, D. Carsenat, C. Decroze, T. Monediere, and B. Jecko (France)
Track Localization, Coverage, and Configuration Algorithms for WSN FreeSubscription
538-011 An Energy-Efficient Algorithm for Positioning and Map Extracting by Connectivity in Wireless Sensor Network
H.S. Bidgoli and M. Fathy (Iran)
538-017 A Scalable Location-based Application Layer Multicast Protocol in MANET
K.-D. Kim, J.-H. Park, K. Lee, H.-Y. Kim, and S.-H. Kim (Korea)
538-022 An RC4 based Light Weight Secure Protocol for Sensor Networks
C.N. Zhang and Q. Yu (Canada)
538-026 Classification using Efficient LU Decomposition in Sensornets
Z.H. Kamal, A. Gupta, L. Lilien, and A. Khokhar (USA)
538-036 Passive and Cost Effective People Indoor Location Tracking System for Ubiquitous Healthcare
W.-Y. Chung, V.K. Singh, D.-U. Jeong (Korea), R. Mylylae (Finland), and H. Lim (Korea)
538-046 Modeling the Coverage Problem in Wireless Sensor Networks as Floorplanning and Placement Problems
S.J. Habib (Kuwait)
538-050 Indoor Localization System using RSSI Measurement of Wireless Sensor Network based on ZigBee Standard
M. Sugano, T. Kawazoe, Y. Ohta, and M. Murata (Japan)
Track Performance Considerations FreeSubscription
538-016 K-RTP: A Reliable Transport Layer Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks
V. Pathari, M. Jose, G.R. Ragul, and P.M. Irshad (India)
538-018 A Node Revocation Scheme for Sensor Networks
P.-J. Chuang and T.-H. Chao (Taiwan)
538-021 Adaptive Resource Management in Sensor Network using Radius Configuration Algorithms
I.-F. Su, C.-H. Ke, and C. Lee (Taiwan)
538-024 On Throughput of Multipath Data Transmission over Multihop Ad Hoc Networks
L. Zhao and J.G. Delgado-Frias (USA)
538-043 A Localized Fault Detection Algorithm in Sensor Networks
C.-R. Li and C.-K. Liang (Taiwan)
Abstracts may contain minor errors and formatting inconsistencies.
Please contact us if you have any concerns or questions.

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Rates (USD):   N/A (Hardcopy) ;  $139.20 (Online) ;  $157.20 (CD)

(The Hardcopy and CD proceedings also include the Online version)

For complete proceedings please choose one of the following:


Online Edition $139.20
CD Edition $157.20
Individual Articles (Online): $40.00  
Hard Copy Subscriptions are not available for WSN 2006
ISBN: 0-88986-563-9 ;
ISSN (CD): N/A ;
ISBN (CD): 0-88986-565-5 ;
ISSN (Online): N/A ;

This multi-conference was published as ONE proceeding and includes the following conferences: - Communication Systems and Applications (CSA 2006), Wireless Networks and Emerging Technologies (WNET 2006), Optical Communication Systems and Networks (OCSN 2006), and Wireless Sensor Network (WSN 2006).

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