Hongyue Liu


  1. [1] M.L. Muhammed, A.J. Humaidi, and E.H. Flaieh, Towardscomparison and real time implementation of path planningmethods for 2r planar manipulator with obstacles avoidance,Mathematical Modelling of Engineering Problems, 9(2), 2022,379–389.
  2. [2] M.L. Muhammed, A.J. Humaidi, and E.H. Flaieh, Acomparison study and real-time implementation of pathplanning of two arm planar manipulator based on graph searchalgorithms in obstacle environment, ICIC Express Letters,17(1), 2023, 61–72.
  3. [3] M.L. Muhammed, E.H. Flaieh, and A.J. Humaidi, Embeddedsystem design of path planning for planar manipulator basedon chaos a algorithm with known-obstacle environment,Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, 17(6), 2022,4047–4064.
  4. [4] H. Meng and H. Zhang, Mobile robot path planningmethod based on deep reinforcement learning algorithm,Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers, 31(15), 2022,85–103.
  5. [5] L. Wu, X.D. Huang, J.G. Cui, C. Liu, and W.S. Xiao, Modifiedadaptive ant colony optimization algorithm and its applicationfor solving path planning of mobile robot, Expert Systems withApplications, 215, 2023, 119410.
  6. [6] C. Liu, L. Wu, W. Xiao, G. Li, D.P. Xu, J.J. Guo, and W.T.Li, An improved heuristic mechanism ant colony optimizationalgorithm for solving path planning, Knowledge-Based Systems,271, 2023, 110540.
  7. [7] R. Liu, Improved ant colony algorithm-based automatedguided vehicle path planning research for sensor-aware obstacle avoidance, Sensors and Materials: AnInternational Journal on Sensor Technology, 33(8), 2021,2679–2691.
  8. [8] Y. Cui, J. Ren, and Y. Zhang, Path planning algorithmfor unmanned surface vehicle based on optimized ant colonyalgorithm, IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and ElectronicEngineering, 17(7), 2022, 1027–1037.
  9. [9] X. Li, Q. Li, and J. Zhang, Research on global path planningof unmanned vehicles based on improved ant colony algorithmin the complex road environment, Measurement and Control:Journal of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 55(9/10),2022, 945–959.
  10. [10] S. Meishan, Design of intelligent planning system for touristscenic route based on ant colony algorithm, InternationalJournal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, 39(3), 2021,377–393.
  11. [11] Y. Zhou and D. Wang, Path planning of mobile robot incomplex environment based on improved Q-learning algorithm,International Journal of Mechanisms and Robotic Systems,5(3), 2022, 223–245.
  12. [12] Y. Li, C. Guo, J. Wu, Z. Xin, G. Jian, Z. Kai, and W. Yuqian,Collaborative scheduling of algorithms for path planning ofunmanned systems, Current Chinese Science, 1(3), 2021,317–331.
  13. [13] D. Qiao, Y. Wang, J. Pei, W. Bai, and X. Wen, Researchon green single machine scheduling based on improved antcolony algorithm, Measurement and Control, 55(1/2), 2022,35–48.
  14. [14] A. Jarrah, A.S.A. Bataineh, and A. Almomany, Theoptimisation of travelling salesman problem based onparallel ant colony algorithm, International Journalof Computer Applications in Technology, 69(4), 2022,309–321.
  15. [15] D. Wu, Z. Zhu, D. Hu, and R.F. Mansour, Optimizing freshlogistics distribution route based on improved ant colonyalgorithm, Computers, Materials, and Continuum, 10, 2022,2079–2095.
  16. [16] L. Zhai and S. Feng, An improved ant colony algorithm based onartificial potential field and quantum evolution theory, Journalof Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems: Applications in Engineeringand Technology, 42(6), 2022, 5773–5788.
  17. [17] H. Tian, Research on robot optimal path planning methodbased on improved ant colony algorithm, InternationalJournal of Computing Science and Mathematics, 13(1), 2021,80–92.
  18. [18] H. He, W. Xiang, and H. Liu, Autonomous navigationpath planning of service robot based on multi-sensorfusion, Mechatronic Systems and Control, 52(2), 2024,76–82.9
  19. [19] L. Huo, The global path planning for vehicular communicationusing ant colony algorithm in emerging wireless cloudcomputing, Wireless Networks, 29(2), 2023, 833–842.
  20. [20] S.Z. Zhou, Z.H. Zhan, Z.G. Chen, S. Kwong, and J. Zhang,A multi-objective ant colony system algorithm for airlinecrew rostering problem with fairness and satisfaction, IEEETransactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 22(11),2020, 6784–6798.
  21. [21] L. Song, L. Yu, and S. Li, Route optimization of hazardousfreight transportation in a rail-truck transportation networkconsidering road traffic restriction, Journal of CleanerProduction, 423(15), 2023, 138640.1–138640.16.

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