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H. Madhour and M. Wentland Forte
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[24] E. Fernandes, H. Madhour, S. Miniaoui, & M. Wentland,Phoenix: An XML based tool for Elearning environment, Proc.EdMedia05, Montr´eal, Canada, 2005, 3439–3446.
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[26] E. Duval, E. Forte, K. Cardinaels, B. Verhoeven, R. VanDurm, K. Hendrikx, M. Wentland Forte, M. Macowicz, K.Warkentyne, & F. Haenni, The ARIADNE knowledge poolsystem, Communications of the ACM, 44 (5), 2001, 73–78.
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[33] M. Wentland Forte, E. McMurray, & F. Simillion, Tools for gen-erating conceptually networked educational hypertext, Proc.of the Int. Conf. on Computer Aided Engineering Education,CAEE’95, Bratislava, Slovakia, 1995.
[34] E. Fernandes, H. Madhour, S. Miniaoui, & M. Wentland,Phoenix tool: A support to Semantic Learning Model, Proc. ofthe Int. Conf. on Advanced Learning Technologies, ICALT05,Taiwan, 2005, 948–949.168
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[41] Hansen, Zilberstein, & Danilschenko, Anytime heuristic search:First results, Technical report, Computer Science Department,University of Massachusetts, 1997, 50–97.
[42] H. Madhour, E. Fernandes, & M. Wentland Forte, Learningobject network: Towards a semantic navigation support, Proc.Edmedia 2006 (to be published), 2006.
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