Xuewei Zhou


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  12. [12] X.M. Long, Y.J. Chen, and J. Zhou, Development of ARexperiment on electric-thermal effect by open frameworkwith simulation-based asset and user-defined input, ArtificialIntelligence and Applications, 1(1), 2023, 52–57.
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  18. [18] J. Wang, K. Yue, and L. Duan, Models and techniques fordomain relation extraction: A survey, Journal of Data Scienceand Intelligent Systems, 3(1), 2023, 16–25.
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  20. [20] J. Song, W.X. Zheng, and Y. Niu, Self-triggered sliding modecontrol for networked PMSM speed regulation system: A PSO-optimized super-twisting algorithm, IEEE Transactions onIndustrial Electronics, 69(1), 2022, 763–773.
  21. [21] Q. Zou, X. Li, and D. Chen, Observer based slidingmode control of PMSM speed regulation system with anovel reaching law, IET Power Electronics, 15(10), 2022,886–900.10
  22. [22] H. Gao and C. Ma, Event-triggered aperiodic intermit-tent sliding-mode control for master-slave bilateral tele-operation robotic systems, Industrial Robot, 50(3), 2023,467–482.
  23. [23] J. Wang, Y. Zhang, X. Li, and Y.S. Zhao, Finite-time consensusfor nonholonomic multi-agent systems with disturbances viaevent-triggered integral sliding mode controller, Journal of theFranklin Institute, 357(12), 2020, 7779–7795.

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