Hongcheng Zhou


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  2. [2] M. Wan, M. Chen, and K. Yong, Adaptive tracking control foran unmanned autonomous helicopter using neural network anddisturbance observer, Neurocomputing, 468(2), 2022, 296–305.
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  6. [6] R. Ding, C. Ding, Y. Xu, W. Liu, and X. Yang, Neuralnetwork-based robust integral error sign control for servo motorsystems with enhanced disturbance rejection performance, ISATransactions, 129, 2022, 580–591.
  7. [7] B. Wang, C. Cao, Q. Zhao, X. Yuan, and Z. Zhu, Aeroacousticcharacteristic analyses of coaxial rotors in hover and forwardflight, International Journal of Aeronautical and SpaceSciences, 22(6), 2021, 1278–1292.
  8. [8] J. Seo, S. Lee, J. Lee, and J. Choi, Nonaffine helicoptercontrol design and implementation based on a robust explicitnonlinear model predictive control, IEEE Transactions onControl Systems Technology, 30(2), 2022, 811–818.
  9. [9] J. Hou, M. Chen, and N. Liu. Unmanned helicopter controlbased on radial basis function neural network and extendedstate observer, Control Theory & Applications, 38(9), 2021,1361–1371.
  10. [10] K.B. Kidambi, C. Ferm¨uller, Y. Aloimonos, and H. Xu, Robustnonlinear control based trajectory tracking for quad rotorsunder uncertainty, IEEE Control Systems Letters, 5(6), 2021,2042–2047.
  11. [11] Y. Wei, H. Deng, and Z. Pan, Research on a combinatorialcontrol method for coaxial rotor aircraft based on sliding mode,Defence Technology, 18(2), 2022, 280–292.
  12. [12] S.I. Abdelmaksoud, M. Mailah, and M. Abdallaha. Controlstrategies and novel techniques for autonomous rotorcraftunmanned aerial vehicles: A review, IEEE Access, 8, 2020,195142–195169.
  13. [13] L. Yu, G. He, X. Wang, and S. Zhao, Robust fixed-time slidingmode attitude control of tilt tri-rotor UAV in Helicopter mode,IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 69(10), 2021,10322–10332.
  14. [14] W. Xu and F. Zhang, Fast-LIO: A fast, robust LiDAR-inertialodometry package by tightly-coupled iterated kalman filter,IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 6(2), 2021, 3317–3324.
  15. [15] X. Zhu and D. Li, Robust fault estimation for a 3-DOFhelicopter considering actuator saturation, Mechanical Systemsand Signal Processing, 155, 2021, 107624.
  16. [16] Z. Wang, X. Zhou, C. Xu, and F. Gao, Geomet-rically constrained trajectory optimization for multicopters, IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 38(5), 2022,3259–3278.
  17. [17] A. Romero, R. Penicka, and D. Scaramuzza, Time-optimalonline replanning for agile quadrotor flight, IEEE Robotics andAutomation Letters, 7(3), 2022, 7730–7737.
  18. [18] T. Krebs, G. Bramesfeld, and J. Cole, Transient thrust analysisof rigid rotors in forward flight, Aerospace, 9(1), 2022, 28.
  19. [19] X.M. Zheng and C.Y. Ma, An intelligent target detec-tion method of UAV swarms based on improved KMalgorithm, Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 34(2), 2021,539–553.
  20. [20] L.Q. Wang, H. Xu, Y.C. Zhang, and S. Shen, Neither fast norslow: how to fly through narrow tunnels, IEEE Robotics andAutomation Letters, 7(2), 2022, 5489–5496.
  21. [21] A. Basiri, V. Mariani, G. Silano, M. Aatif, L. Iannelli, andL. Glielmo, A survey on the application of path-planningalgorithms for multi-rotor UAVs in precision agriculture, TheJournal of Navigation, 75(2), 2022, 364–383.
  22. [22] W. Liang, Z. Chen, and B. Yao, Geometric adaptiverobust hierarchical control for quadrotors with aerodynamicdamping and complete inertia compensation, IEEETransactions on Industrial Electronics, 69(12), 2022,13213–13224.

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