Udaya Bhasker Manthati
[1] G. Irminger, M. Horvat, F. Jenni, and H.U. Boksberger, A 3 Hz, 1 MWpeak bending magnet power supply for the Swiss Light Source (SLS) on proceedings of EP2 in Grenoble 21/22.10.1998. [2] U.B. Manthati, O. Gomis-Bellmunt, M. Teixidó-Casas, J.G. Bergas-Jané, and A. Sudrià- Andreu, Toward the implementation of booster dipole magnet power supply to 3 GeV synchrotron light source, European Power Electronics Conference 2009 at Barcelona, Spain. [3] A technical guide in the year 2008 from NESSCAP ULTRACA-PACITOR Company limited. [4] Danfysik Boosters for 3rd generation light sources. [5] E.R. Furlong and M. Piemontesi from General Electric Company, GE Digital Energy, Atlanta, GA and Prasad P and Sukumar De from General Electric Company, John F. Welch Technology Center, Bangalore, India, Advances in energy storage techniques for critical power systems. [6] An Applications Note from Maxwell Technologies®BOOSTCAP® Ultracapacitor Cell Sizing Document #10073627. [7] A Product Guide from Maxwell Technologies® BOOSTCAP®Ultra capacitors. [8] A www.cells.es, ALBA Synchrotron Light Source, Spain. [9] W.F. Praeg, A High-current low-pass filter for magnet power supplies on Proc. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics and Control Instrumentation, Vol. IECI-17, No. 1, February 1970.
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