Mansour Bacha and Lahcène Hadjabderrahmane
Design technique, matching networks, microwave amplifier, lumped elements, Chebyshev response, distributed elements
In this paper, we describe a design technique of broadband-lumped and monolithic-distributed amplifiers using GaAs MESFET’s transistors and compare performances of both the amplifiers. This technique applies an analytical method and presents a procedure for designing matching networks. The matching networks are determined by using an analytical approach and the problem is to derive the gain-bandwidth limitations and to synthesis broadband band-pass matching networks to achieve a desired transducique power gain of Chebyshev response. Because of microwave transistors’s gain degradation (roll-off) of approximately 6 dB/octave, the matching networks are designed to compensate for them using analytical response. Finally, the performances characteristics of lumped and distributed amplifiers are compared.
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