Zhufeng Shao, Haisheng Li, Liping Wang, Zhaokun Zhang, Rui Yao, and Jinbo Qie
Cable-driven parallel manipulator, orientation optimization, cable force, workspace
This paper proposes an application scheme of a planar cable-driven parallel manipulator (CDPM) for cleaning the side nets of the deep sea fishing ground (DSFG). The object CDPM has three degrees of freedom (DOFs) driven by four cables. The rotational DOF is redundant and used to improve the cable force distribution of the CDPM. First, the method of solving the cable forces is clarified by statics. Then, the standard deviation of the cable forces is used to evaluate the cable force distribution. The orientation angle of the CDPM is optimized to minimize the standard deviation of cable forces. Further, the orientation workspace of the CDPM is determined to constrain the range of angle values in the optimization process considering the orientation continuity of the end effector. Finally, the simulation results show that the uniformity of the cable forces is improved considerably after the orientation optimization, which is beneficial to improve the rigidity and stability of the CDPM. The established optimization method of improving the cable force distribution and performance via redundant DOF can be further adopted to other CDPMs.
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