Teleoperation Control of Heterogeneous Multi-Robot Systems for Multi-Task Multi-Target Pairing

Yushing Cheung, Jae H. Chung, and Ketula Patel


Teleoperation, Heterogeneous robots


In order to maximize efficiency, a team of robots are coordinated to work on the multi-task for the multi-target in a mission simultaneously. Therefore, this paper proposes developing a control method for a single-master multi-slave (SMMS) teleoperator for heterogeneous mobile robots for a multi-task multi-target mission. The major components of the proposed control method are (1) potential field based leader-follower formation, (2) adaptive master-slave impedances, (3) compensation for contact forces, and (4) robot-task-target pairing. Components (1-3) have been developed in our past papers. The robot-task-target pairing is derived from the proven auction algorithm for a single target and task and is extended for multi-robot multi-target multi-task cases, which optimizes effect-based robot-task-target pairing based on a new heuristic algorithm. The robot-task-target pairing is based on a weighted attack guidance table (WAGT), which includes the benefits of assigning robotic subteams to targets and tasks. Simulation studies illustrate the efficacy of the SMMS system with the proposed control method for multi-target operations. The simulation results are analyzed in terms of system effectiveness, and the paper is concluded with observations of enhanced SMMS performance.

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