A 3-Tier Infrastructure: Virtual-, Mini-, Online-Hubo Stair Climbing as a Case Study

Youngbum Jun and Paul Oh


Virtual-Hubo, Mini-Hubo, Hubo, Stair Climbing, 3-tier infrastructure


This paper introduces a 3-tier infrastructure for humanoid research. Using the KAIST humanoid Hubo2, virtual-, mini-, and online-Hubo comprise an infrastructure to respectively prototype, test-and-evaluate, and verify-andvalidate algorithms. The resulting closed-loop design cycle promotes research that can reproduced and verified by the humanoid research community. This paper presents stair-climbing as a case study, thus demonstrating the efficacy of the 3-tier approach. This case study shows an effective method for climbing pattern generation and analytic inverse kinematics. This stair-climbing approach is prototyped in virtual-Hubo, experimentally tested on mini- Hubo, and verified with online-Hubo.

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