QCQP-Tunneling: Ellipsoidal Constrained Agent Navigation

Sanjeev Sharma


Path Planning, Mobile Robot/Vehicle Navigation, Convex Optimization, Continuous Environments


This paper presents a convex-QCQP based novel path planning algorithm named ellipsoidal constrained agent navigation (ECAN), for a challenging problem of online path planning in completely unknown and unseen continuous environments. ECAN plans path for the agent by making a tunnel of overlapping ellipsoids, in an online fashion, through the environment. Convex constraints in the ellipsoid-formation step circumvent collision with the obstacles. The problem of online-tunneling is solved as a convex-QCQP. This paper assumes no constraints on shape of the agent and the obstacles. However, to make the approach clearer, this paper first introduces the framework for a point-mass agent with point-size obstacles. After explaining the underlying principle in drawing an ellipsoid tunnel, the framework is extended to the agent and obstacles having finite area (2d space) and finite-volume (3d-space).

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