Overview of the "i-Lung" as Developing Active Lung Simulator Including Respiration Aerosol Measurement

Mathias Forjan, Katharina Stiglbrunner, Zbyněk Bureš, and Andreas Drauschke


Respiratory mechanics, active lung simulator, resistances, aerosol measurement


Lung simulators are important elements in different fields of respiratory research, and medical education, but also for respirator testing procedures. Active lung simulators allow the simulation of an active breathing lung. The presented i-Lung with its flexible setup allows the simulation of a spontaneous active physiologically or pathologically breathing lung with the use of different lung equivalents. By the use of different types of resistances and variable compliances of the lung surrounding tissue, the i-Lung moreover provides specific lung simulation parameters influencing respiratory mechanics. Additionally the integrated aerosol measurement system allows the observance of in- and exhaled particles. Measurements of flow have shown that the i-Lung is able to approximate realistic human breathing conditions. Breathing cycle synchronised aerosol measurements implicate that the degree of separation of aerosols during respiration depends on the used lung equivalent. Further test series with a higher negative pressure within the thoracic chamber and monodisperse aerosols will be performed for further evaluation of the simulator.

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