Potential Use of Chaffing and Winnowing for Secure Communication in a WAMS Environment

Joseph L. McDaniel and Ambareen Siraj


Security, WAMS, Chaffing and Winnowing, Encryption


Typically, encryption is used to provide a communication session with confidentiality. In this paper, we propose the use the chaffing and winnowing technique to show that confidentiality along with data integrity, authentication, and non-repudiation can be provided in a Wide Area Monitoring System (WAMS) environment without encryption. Building a smarter grid relies heavily on reactive and real- time WAMS that provide the ability to monitor and gather frequency information from throughout the entire power grid. For system components to be able to interact, a communication medium such as the Internet is often used. This raises security concerns that must be addressed. Adding mechanisms for confidentiality, data integrity, authentication, and non-repudiation can mitigate most or all of these concerns. Experimentation results show that the desired security goals can be provided while still maintaining a trans- mission rate high enough to be used in a close to real-time WAMS.

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