Wireless Services and Intelligent Vehicle Transportation Systems

Abdulrahman Yarali and Chungen Hung


wireless sensors, intelligent vehicle, intelligent traffic control, Intelligent transportation systems, intelligent vehicle highway system


This paper examines the upcoming world of Wireless Services and Intelligent Vehicle Transportation System (IVTS). Recent advances in powerful and miniature computing, and transceiver technology, is enabling more technology to be placed inside a vehicle. The wireless sensors and transceivers onboard individual cars can communicate with other cars, or with the road. The information collected by individual vehicle, as well as those distributed by a central transportation control communication system can help to reduce accidents and time wasted in traffic congestion. This paper describes what exactly an intelligent vehicle highway system is. Furthermore, the pieces of technology needed to make this intelligent vehicle transportation system will be examined. The benefits of deploying this system, such as reduced traffic congestion, increased driving efficiency, and accident avoidance are discussed. Finally, the cost to deploy such project is analyzed and compared to the potential savings gained from reduced accidents, and fewer peoples’ time wasted in traffic gridlock. The paper concludes with issues and challenges that need to be resolved in order to have a fully functional IVTS.

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