Performance of Free Space Optical Mesh Networks with Node Degree Variation and Link Failures

Devi Chadha and Navneet Kotnala


Free Space Optical Mesh Network, Topology and Routing Algorithms , Performance Evaluation, Link Failure


Free Space Optics (FSO) based mesh networks are emerging as a significant new technology for establishing and / or enhancing the optical backbone network without laying optical fibres. However, due to the strict line-of-sight requirement for establishing such links, they are susceptible to disruptions which may be due to atmospheric phenomena such as fog or in other cases, temporary obstructions. In either case, there is degradation in performance parameters like connectivity, average packet delay and traffic blocking. These problems can be overcome to a large extent by having multiple trans-receivers at each FSO node and by interconnecting the nodes to form a mesh network. This work presents a study in two aspects; first, the number of trans-receivers at each node or the degree of the network. The second factor deals with the effect of removal of a link on the overall average delay in the network.

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