A Semi-Elliptic Slot Antenna for Ultra Wide Band Systems

M. Gopikrishna, D.D. Krishna, and C.K. Aanandan (India)


Slot antenna, Ultra Wide Band, Coplanar Wave Guide


The design and characterization of a printed semi elliptic slot antenna with wide impedance bandwidth is presented in this paper. The antenna comprises of a semi-elliptic patch and a modified ground which is designed to give an impedance bandwidth from 2.85 - 20 GHz for S11 less than -10dB. The structure is more compact compared to other slot antennas having the same electrical characteristics. Experiments indicate omnidirectional radiation with appreciable gain throughout the Ultra Wide Band (UWB) 3.1-10.6 GHz. Empirical relations for the resonances in the antenna is also presented in this paper. Transient analysis indicates good pulse handling capabilities.

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