F. Wen, I. Hsu, S.-T. Twu, and J.-J. Shieh (Taiwan)
Vibrator, piezoceramic, resonator, equivalent circuit, impedance, motional current
This paper proposes the design of a driving circuit to deal with a thin-disc piezoceramic-metal structure ultrasonic actuator based on the equivalent circuit. In order to gain the electromechanical match at resonant frequency, a spectrum analyzer for driving piezoceramics should measure impedance or admittance. The virtual analyzer also investigated the characteristics of a Model-E equivalent circuit based on the admittance-frequency response. The inherent capacitance from an ultrasonic actuator becomes the partial component in the design of a resonant driving circuit. The IsSpice software was introduced to simulate as well as the experimental results demonstrated a high level of agreement related to the conceptual design and practical implementation for the driving circuit.
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