Detecting Rogue Devices in Bluetooth Networks using Radio Frequency Fingerprinting

J.H.M. Barbeau and E. Kranakis (Canada)


Bluetooth rogue devices, Intrusion Detection, Radio Fre quency Fingerprinting, Network Security, Wireless Net works, Hotelling’s T2 statistics.


Unauthorized Bluetooth devices or rogue devices can im personate legitimate devices through address and link key spoofing. Moreover, they can infiltrate a Bluetooth net work and initiate other forms of attacks. This paper inves tigates a novel intrusion detection approach, which makes use of radio frequency fingerprinting (RFF) for profiling, Hotelling’s T2 statistics for classification and a decision fil ter, for detecting these devices. RFF is a technique that is used to uniquely identify a transceiver based on the tran sient portion of the signal it generates. Moreover, the use of a statistical classifier proves advantageous in minimiz ing requirements for memory. Finally, the detection rate is also improved by incorporating a decision filter, which takes the classification results of a set of events into con sideration, prior to rendering the final decision. The aver age False Alarm Rate of five percent and Detection Rate of ninety-three percent support the feasibility of employing these components to address the aforementioned problem.

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