Knowledge Modeling and Processing for Supervision of Process Facilities

A. Lisounkin (Germany)


Cognitive Tasks for Supervision, Knowledge Representa tion, Process Knowledge, Planning and Resource Mana gement


The supervision of process facilities means not only mastering the technology and the equipment, but also considering administrative regulations, implementing management objectives, planning facility resources, and reacting adequately to external impacts and disturbances. Actually, process supervision and automation systems are usually implemented based on analysis and simulation of technology, sensory, and actuation dynamics. This approach implies the availability of a facility model in the form of a system of differential algebraic equations and covers mainly the short-term operation. The aspects of mid- and long-term operation are normally covered by a facility staff. Operators are able to consider the process in the context of all requirements and restrictions. In this context, model-based simulators provide the operator with possible process trends. The main reasons which prevent an expanded develop ment of automation systems with decision making ele ments are the complexity of the operation restrictions modeling and the difficulty of the operator knowledge acquisition. This paper discusses the modeling of mid and long-term supervision rules and contexts as well as considers aspects of the knowledge acquisition. For this, the process algebra approach is used.

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