Towards a Successful Adoption and Use of Strategic Information Systems in Organizations: A Proposed EIS Life Cycle

G. Ditsa (UAE), D. Wei, and J. Wang (Australia)


Strategic systems, EIS, Development practices, Social, Culture, Political


This paper presents a review of the current system development practices and usage of Executive Information Systems (EIS) and proposed and an EIS development life cycle that will enhance the success of EIS development and usage. EIS architecture, development technologies and frameworks, and critical success factors (CSFs) have been examined in the current EIS development practices. Current EIS usage has been examined from three perspectives: EIS functions; EIS diffusion; and usage differences between public and private sectors. Eight critical issues have been identified and briefly described. An EIS life cycle was modified from the framework introduced by [1]. The revised life cycle is composed of four stages as Inception, Elaboration, Development and Usage. The life cycle was applied to crosscheck with the critical issues to reveal certain issues, which EIS developers and practitioners should pay more attention to in various stages in order to achieve EIS success more efficiently and effectively. The eight critical issues are not meant to be complete and perfect. Further research is required to improve and validate those issues. In addition, the EIS life cycle with critical issues raised in various stages should be further researched and validated.

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