J. Vehkaperä, J. Peltola, J. Huusko, M. Myllyniemi, and M. Majanen (Finland)
Wireless multimedia, UDP-Lite, video quality, and MPEG-4.
The purpose of this paper is to study the performance of the partial checksum mechanism of UDP-Lite transport protocol compared to the standard UDP protocol in wireless environment in terms of achieved video quality. Video quality is evaluated in PSNR using simulation results achieved with a simulation platform developed in the framework of IST PHOENIX project. The platform offers the necessary components for modeling all relevant ISO/OSI layers for wireless IP video streaming, including partial checksum functionality on transport and data link layers. The achieved gain in video quality in terms of PSNR for IEEE 802.11a simulation model validates that the video streaming benefits of using UDP-Lite transport protocol instead of using regular UDP in wireless channels. The enhancement was 2 –3 dB in PSNR for AWGN channel and for fading channels the difference was smaller, being 1dB or less. The major conclusion of our study is that the best improvement in video quality using UDP-Lite is achieved in conditions where bit errors appear in very short bursts. Also a minor enhancement using UDP-Lite is achieved in transmission conditions where signal-to-noise ratio in the channel is very low.
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