A Media-on-Demand System with Scalable Media Formats

L.-C. Kuo, F.-G. Chang, C.-Y. Wu, S.-M. Hsu, and K.-H. Cheng (Taiwan)


Media-on-demand, scalable video streaming, scalable and interactive image transmission.


In this paper, we proposed a media-on-demand system, which supports scalable media transmissions, including video transmission and image transmission. The architecture and session flow of the media-on-demand system are presented. The format of video data is described, and the method to increase the efficiency of scalable video streaming is discussed. In addition, we develop a scalable image coding format, which supports diversified scalabilities, including spatial scalability, SNR scalability, and shape scalability. Based on these scalable media formats, the proposed media-on-demand system has high flexibilities in delivering media to diversified terminals through fluctuated network bandwidth.

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