A Continuous Media Data Rendering System for Visualizing Psychological Impression-Transition

F. Yara, N. Yoshida, S. Sasaki, and Y. Kiyoki (Japan)


multi-database, information retrieval, cognitive psychology, continuous rendering, visualization, psychological models of impression-transition


In this paper, we present an implementation method of continuous media data rendering system to visualize a psychological impression-transition continuously. The important feature of this method is to realize visualization of psychological impression-transition by realizing the following steps: 1) creating impression-vector-space to calculate the correlation value between the media data and the query words, 2) creating databases by the psychological impression-transition methods, such as color psychology and music psychology, 3) converting the into query words the words on the impression-transition-word space, 4) selecting the starting and terminal points given by a user and ranking the media data according to the route, the user's context. From the viewpoint of visualization, it is interesting to use this system for representing impression-transition by applying psychological models related to media data, such as color and music. With a continuous rendering system for color data, we have performed several experiments to clarify the feasibility of our method to visualize continuous impression-transition change.

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