Use of a Web-based Technology by Home Care Nurses for Wound Management

A. Semotiuk (Canada)


Home care, nursing, web-based telehealth, wound care 1.Background Capital Health, one of Canada’s premiere academic health regions, located in central Alberta serves a population of one million inhabitants. Referrals are received from northern Alberta, as well as, the northern territories and the neighbouring provinces of Saskatchewan and British Columbia. The region is interested in incorporating new advances in technology in clinical care and is engaged in developing, testing and eval


Capital Health is the first region in Alberta to trial the Pixalere ™ Wound Management System. This internet based wound management software supports the region's vision of utilizing telehealth solutions to improve the delivery of quality care in home and community settings. The pilot project was undertaken to test the effectiveness of the software in the remote management of complex wounds. The objectives were to improve client access to specialists, utilize personnel efficiently, improve wound care by minimizing practice variation, and improve the quality of life for clients. The evaluation confirmed that overall, the objectives of the pilot were achieved. The pilot also demonstrated the value of taking the first steps with wireless clinical technology in Home Care including: strong staff commitment to the use of technology, increased client access to wound care specialists, client satisfaction with this approach to wound care delivery and strong support from industry partners to the move to using technology in the community.

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