Telehealth: Opportunities to Expand Tertiary Rehabilitation

L. Reimer, I. Henderson, and L. Liu (Canada)


Rehabilitation, Telehealth, Videoconferencing, Evaluation


Telehealth is a deluxe videoconferencing system that combines computers with communication technologies to provide real-time interaction between two or more locations. Alberta We//net established three Telehealth objectives: 1) to improve access to health services for clients and clinicians in remote communities; 2) to support rural/remote clinicians with peer information and continuing professional education; and 3) to improve the efficiency of delivering specialized/expert health services. This presentation will discuss the application of the three main Telehealth applications, teleclinical, telelearning, and telebusiness, within a large, tertiary rehabilitation centre. Several research and evaluation projects on Telehealth use in rehabilitation are in process. While advantages and limitations exist, there is great potential to use this technology beyond borders and within a global context to provide a wealth of opportunities for clients, clinicians, educators and others. Future needs and opportunities for the application of Telehealth in tertiary rehabilitation will be presented.

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