Structure Function and Empirical Mode Decomposition based Feature Extraction Method for Radar Pulse Sequences

Q. Guo, X. Zhang, Z. Li, and Y. Zhang (PRC)


signal sorting, structure function, empirical mode decomposition, feature extraction


Modern electronic warfare faces complex and dense pulses environments, which brings a severe challenge to radar signal sorting. A new feature extraction method for radar pulse sequences was presented based on structure function and empirical mode decomposition in this paper. The 2-dimension feature information was constituted with radio frequency and time-of-arrival in this method, which analyzes the feature of radar pulse sequences for the very first time by employing structure function and empirical mode decomposition. The experiment result shows that the method can extract efficiently the frequency that of the period-change radio frequency signal in the complex pulses environment and find out a new feature for the signal sorting of interleaved radar pulse sequences. This paper provides a total new ideal to extract the new sorting feature of radar signals.

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