Test Equipment of Time-Variant Subjective Perceptual Video Quality in Mobile Terminals

O. Nemethova, M. Ries, A. Dantcheva, S. Fikar, and M. Rupp (Austria)


Usability, time-variant video quality, perceptual qual ity evaluation


In this article we discuss the suitability of various equipment types used to capture the user’s subjective perceptual quality evaluation for video streams with time-variant quality. We present four basic types of testing equipment (mouse, joystick, throttle and slid ing bar). Since method and equipment used for testing must not influence the test results, we analyzed the re quirements for the testing equipment in general and in particular its usability and design features. Further more, we performed and evaluated an assessment of video quality using all presented tools. The evaluation allows us to propose the most appropriate testing tool for time-variant video quality.

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