Aligning Mobile P2P Content Sharing Services with a Customer Process

M. Matuszewski and R. Kantola (Finland)


Mobile peer-to-peer, business model, m-commerce, content distribution


Business success of mobile content sharing services depends on their alignment with user processes. The paper presents a feasibility assessment model that helps in the evaluation of strengths and weaknesses of various mobile content distribution platforms and together with market research data forms a useful tool for assessing mobile operator’s strategy for mobile content services. The paper analyzes the feasibility of mobile peer-to-peer content sharing services taking into consideration the user process and the recent development in the mobile industry. The competing mobile content distribution platforms are presented and evaluated. The analysis is supported by market research data gathered by the authors among first adopters of mobile services and the authors’ insight into the topic gathered from the development of a mobile peer to-peer content sharing application on the Symbian platform.

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