Generation and Performance of AMI-RZ and DCS-RZ Signals with Sideband Suppression

P.M.A. Charrua, A.V.T. Cartaxo, and M.R. Leiria (Portugal)


Optical systems and components, sideband suppression, single-sideband (SSB), alternate-mark inversion return-to-zero (AMI-RZ), duobinary-carrier suppressed return-to-zero (DCS-RZ), long-haul trans


Optical sideband suppression (SBS) by means of optical filtering is proposed for alternate-mark-inversion return-to-zero (AMI-RZ) and duobinary-carrier suppressed RZ (DCS-RZ) coding formats. The power of the non-suppressed sideband to the power of the suppressed sideband ratio (SSPR) is used to categorize the level of sideband suppression. A minimum level of SSPR of 20 dB is required for single-sideband (SSB) signals. SSPRs of 24 dB for AMI-RZ and 27 dB for DCS-RZ are achieved, showing that these filtered signals are actually SSB signals. Results reveal that AMI-RZ and DCS-RZ double-sideband modulation formats show better transmission performance, even after 1080 km of standard single-mode fiber (Q-factor > 9.5). However, SSB modulation formats demonstrate much higher tolerance to group velocity dispersion. Simulation results show that AMI-RZ-SSB and DCS-RZ-SSB signals exhibit performance similar to the filtered duobinary signal. After 1080 km of SMF, a Q-factor of nearly 7 remains attainable for both coding formats with SSB filtering.

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