Influence of Dispersion Slope on XPM-induced Degradation in Dispersion Compensated WDM Systems

R.S. Luís, and A.V.T. Cartaxo (Portugal)


Optical systems and components, cross-phasemodulation, dispersion slope, wavelength divisionmultiplexing.


This work presents an expression for the cross-phase modulation (XPM) induced power penalty in wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) systems. This expression is used to obtain reference limits for 1 dB of power penalty. The dependence of the XPM-degradation on residual dispersion of dispersion compensated WDM systems is assessed. This dependence is used to evaluate the unbalanced XPM-degradation of each channel on a WDM system due to dispersion slope. The obtained analytical results are validated by numerical simulation. It is shown that, using the center channel of the WDM signal band as worst-case for the planning of dispersion compensated WDM links, with respect to XPM-degradation, yields invalid results due to dispersion slope. It is also shown that, contrarily to systems without dispersion compensation, the XPM-degradation increases steadily with the channel count and the rate of incrementing depends on the residual dispersion. The rate of increasing is higher when low dispersion parameter fibers are used. It is shown that the value of total residual dispersion for minimum worst-case XPM-degradation is approximately constant with the channel count if variations of the dispersion parameter within the WDM signal band are negligible.

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