Dimensioning WDM Optical Networks with Minimum MSPP Configuration

B. Jaumard, Y. Solari, and A. Houle (Canada)


WDM optical network, network dimensioning, MSPPcost minimization, Tabu search.


The recent development in Wavelength-Division Multiplexing (WDM) technology has led to a significant increase in the available transmission capacity in wide area networks. These networks are no longer limited by transmission bandwidth, but rather by the processing capability of electronic switches, routers, and multiplexers in the network. Traffic grooming corresponds to a key research area with the study of optical bypass in order to minimize the amount of electronic multiplexing equipment. We present a study on the design of a Tabu Search heuristic for minimizing the MSPP (Multi-Service Provisioning Platform) cost of a WDM network while optimizing the traffic grooming. The MSPP cost will be estimated through the number of transport blades or equivalently the number of optical bypasses.

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