A Complex Gradient Projection Optimal Bounding Ellipsoid Algorithm for Adaptive Beamforming

T. Thrasyvoulou, A. Spanias, K. Tsakalis, A. Natarajan, and L. Iasemdes (USA)


Adaptive beamforming


This short paper examines the application of the complex gradient-projection-optimal bounding ellipsoid algorithm (C-GrPrOBE) to adaptive beamforming. The analysis and simulation results presented show that the C-GrPrOBE compares well the NLMS and the recursive least squares (RLS) algorithms. Specifically, it is shown that the C GrPrOBE algorithm exhibits an ability to maintain good nulls at the direction of the signals of no interest (SNOIs) and to correctly focus the radiation pattern towards the signal of interest (SOI) even under low signal excitation.

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