Dynamic Tracking and Friction Compensation in a 3R Underactuated Manipulator

V. Mahulkar, P.S. Gandhi, and R.N. Banavar (India)


Nonholonomic systems, Underactuated manipulator, 3R robot


We present investigations in point-to-point control the end point of an underactuated 3R manipulator with unactuated last link. This point-to-point control problem is trans formed into a trajectory tracking problem for the joint of the last link. This trajectory is composed of several seg ments of special kind based on a recent development in this field. In this paper we present a control techniques to generate the appropriate torques at the actuated joints through a modified computed torque approach to carry out this dynamic trajectory tracking. The proposed method ology incorporates the effect of third link on the actuated subsystem. Later we incorporate friction in the joints and using an adaptive control strategy, we improve on the ear lier result. The simulation results verify the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm, and the experimental verifica tion is underway.

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