Discrete-Time Washout Filters in Feedback Control of Nonlinear Systems

M.A. Hassouneh and E.H. Abed (USA)


-- washout filters, stabilization, feedback control, delayed feedback.


Feedback control of discrete-time nonlinear systems through washout filters is considered. Advantages and lim itations of these filters in feedback control are discussed. It is shown that some of the limitations of stable washout filters can be overcome by the use of unstable washout fil ters. Generalizations of discrete-time washout filters that alleviate the limitations are presented. It is also shown that delayed feedback control for discrete-time systems, exten sively used in control of chaos, is a special case of washout filter-aided feedback. Moreover, the limitations of delayed feedback control can be overcome by the use of washout filter-aided feedback, which gives rise to the possibility of stabilizing a much larger class of systems.

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