Qingzhi Zhu and Lin Xu


  1. [1] J. Lara, J. Xu, and A. Chandra, Effects of rotor position errorin the performance of field-oriented-controlled PMSM drivesfor electric vehicle traction applications, IEEE Transactionson Industrial Electronics, 63(8), 2016, 4738–4751.233
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  11. [11] W. Hua, G. Zhang, and M. Cheng, Flux-regulation theoriesand principles of hybrid-excited flux-switching machines, IEEETransactions on Industrial Electronics, 62(9), 2015, 5359–5369.
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  14. [14] Z. Xiang, X. Zhu, L. Quan, Y. Du, C. Zhang, and D. Fan,Multilevel design optimization and operation of a brushlessdouble mechanical port flux-switching permanent-magnetmotor, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 63(10),2016, 6042–6054.
  15. [15] W. Hua, M. Cheng, and G. Zhang, A novel hybrid excitationflux-switching motor for hybrid vehicles, IEEE Transactionson Magnetics, 45(10), 2009, 4728–4731.
  16. [16] C. H. T. Lee, J. L. Kirtley, and M. Angle, A partitioned-statorflux-switching permanent-magnet machine with mechanicalflux adjusters for hybrid electric vehicles, IEEE Transactionson Magnetics, 53(11), 2017, 1–7.
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  19. [19] G. Zhang, M. Cheng, W. Hua, and J. Dong, Analysis of theoversaturated effect in hybrid excited flux-switching machines,IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 47(10), 2011, 2827–2830.
  20. [20] J. Yu, C. Liu, Z. Song, and H. Zhao, Permeance andinductance modeling of a double-stator hybrid-excited flux-switching permanent-magnet machine, IEEE Transactions onTransportation Electrification, 6(3), 2020, 1134–1145.
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  23. [23] J.T. Chen, Z.Q. Zhu, S. Iwasaki, and R.P. Deodhar, Anovel hybrid-excited switched-flux brushless AC machinefor EV/HEV applications, IEEE Transactions on VehicularTechnology, 60(4), 2011, 1365–1373.
  24. [24] Z.Q. Zhu, M.M.J. Al-Ani, X. Liu, and B. Lee, A mechanicalflux weakening method for switched flux permanent magnetmachines, IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 30(2),2015, 806–815.
  25. [25] C.H.T. Lee, J.L. Kirtley, and M. Angle, A partitioned-statorflux-switching permanent-magnet machine with mechanicalflux adjusters for hybrid electric vehicles, IEEE Transactionson Magnetics, 53(11), 2017, 1–7.
  26. [26] X. Zhu, W. Wu, S. Yang, Z. Xiang, and L. Quan, Comparativedesign and analysis of new type of flux-intensifying interiorpermanent magnet motors with different q-Axis rotor fluxbarriers, IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 33(4),2018, 2260–2269.
  27. [27] D.J. Evans, Z.Q. Zhu, H.L. Zhan, Z.Z. Wu, and X. Ge,Flux-weakening control performance of partitioned stator-switched flux PM machines, IEEE Transactions on IndustryApplications, 52(3), 2016, 2350–2359.

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