Souhir Tounsi


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  3. [3] A. Deshpane, Development of hydraulic brake design systemapplication, International Journal of Research in Science andTechnology, 5(3), 2015, 61–70.
  4. [4] N. Nasri and S. Tounsi, Design and optimization of renewableenergy structure, Journal of Electrical Engineering, 7(48),2017, 1–13.
  5. [5] R. Neji, S. Tounsi, and F. Sellami, Contribution to the definitionof a permanent magnet motor with reduced production costfor the electrical vehicle propulsion, European Transactions onElectrical Power, 16, 2006, 437–460.
  6. [6] S. Tounsi and S. Hadj Abdallah, Robust control strategiesdedicated to electric vehicle motorization, InternationalJournal of Power and Energy Systems, 40(2), 2020, 57–63.
  7. [7] M. Ben Amor, A. Belgacem, and S. Tounsi, Optimaldesign and control of electric vehicles power chain withelectromagnetic switch, International Journal of ElectricalComponents and Energy Conversion, 1(1), 2015, 24–35, doi:10.11648/j.ijecec.20150101.13.
  8. [8] S. Tounsi, Control of the electric vehicles power chain withelectromagnetic switches reducing the energy consumption,Journal of Electromagnetic Analysis and Applications, 3(12),2011 537–545.
  9. [9] A. Zulu, B.C. Mecrow, and M. Armstrong, A wound-field three-phase flux-switching synchronous motor with allexcitation sources on the stator, IEEE Transactions on IndustryApplications, 46(6), 2010, 2363–2371.
  10. [10] S. Tounsi, Optimal design and control of linear motor at lowdisplacement, Mechatronic Systems and Control, 49(3), 2021,171–178.
  11. [11] M. Blackman, R. Sharma, M. Nadarajah, and G. Athana-sius, Model-based control of utility-scale wind turbines,Mechatronic Systems and Control, 45(1), 2017, 17–25, doi:10.2316/Journal.201.2017.1.201-2716.
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  13. [13] A. Zulu, B.C. Mecrow, and M. Armstrong, Permanent-magnetflux-switching synchronous motor employing a segmental rotor,IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 48(6), 2012,2259–2267.
  14. [14] H. Marouani and S. Tounsi, Design of a coiled rotor synchronousmotor dedicated to electric traction, Journal of ElectricalSystems, 10(3), 2014, 344–358,
  15. [15] G. Shokri and E. Naderi, Research on simulation and modelingof simple and cost-effective BLDC motor drives, InternationalJournal of Modelling and Simulation, 37(1), 2017, 15–24.
  16. [16] P.M. Menghal and A. Jaya Laxmi, Modelling, simulation andanalysis of induction motor using artificial intelligent controller,International Journal of Modelling and Simulation, 36(4),2016, 120–135.
  17. [17] W. Emar, R.A. Maher, and M.J. Aqel, Performance analysisand dynamic characteristics of hysteresis-based indirect field-oriented control of induction motor drives, InternationalJournal of Modelling and Simulation, 32(3), 2012, 178–184.77

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