Mathilde Granke, Quentin Grimal, Amena Saıed, Pascal Laugier


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  4. [4] M. Granke, Q. Grimal, A. Sa¨ıed, P. Nauleau,F. Peyrin, and P. Laugier, “Change in porosity is themajor determinant of the variation of cortical boneelasticity at the millimeter scale in aged women.,”Bone, vol. 49, no. 5, pp. 1020–1026, 2011.
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  8. [8] W. J. Parnell and Q. Grimal, “The influence ofmesoscale porosity on cortical bone anisotropy. inves-tigations via asymptotic homogenization,” Journal ofthe Royal Society Interface, vol. 6, no. 30, pp. 97–109,2009.
  9. [9] Q. Grimal, G. Rus, W. J. Parnell, and P. Laugier, “Atwo-parameter model of the effective elastic tensor forcortical bone.,” J Biomech, vol. 44, no. 8, pp. 1621–1625, 2011.
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  11. [11] A. Sa¨ıed, K. Raum, I. Leguerney, and P. Laugier,“Spatial distribution of anisotropic acousticimpedance assessed by time-resolved 50-mhzscanning acoustic microscopy and its relation toporosity in human cortical bone.,” Bone, vol. 43,no. 1, pp. 187–194, 2008.
  12. [12] Q. Grimal and W. Parnell, “ah ho-mogenization code for download at”
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