Thomas Lotz


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  11. [11] T. Lotz, P. D. Simpson, D. Stocker, C. E. Hann, andJ. G. Chase. In vitro evaluation of surface based non-invasive breast cancer screening with digital imagebased elasto tomography (diet). In IEEE EMBS, vol-ume 1, pages 3077–80, Buenos Aires, 2010.
  12. [12] T. Lotz, N. Muller, C. E. Hann, and J. G. Chase.Minimal elastographic modeling of breast cancer formodel based tumor detection in a digital image elastotomography (diet) sytem. 2011.
  13. [13] A. Peters, J. G. Chase, and E. E. Van Houten. Dig-ital image elasto-tomography: combinatorial and hy-brid optimization algorithms for shape-based elasticproperty reconstruction. IEEE transactions on bio-medical engineering, 55(11):2575–83, 2008.
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  15. [15] Tony L. Schmitz. Machining dynamics: frequency re-sponse to improved productivity. Springer US, 2009.
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