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Camilo A. Cortes, Iñigo Barandiaran, Oscar E. Ruiz, Alessandro De Mauro
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[2] D. B. Camarillo, T. M. Krummel, J. K. Salisbury, andothers, Robotic technology in surgery: past, present, and future,The American Journal of Surgery, 188, 2004, 2–15.433
[3] T. Haidegger and Z. Benyó, Industrial Robotic Solutionsfor Interventional Medicine, Proc. International GTEConference MANUFACTURING, Budapest, 2008, 125–130.
[4] P. Gomes, Surgical robotics: Reviewing the past, analysingthe present, imagining the future, Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 27(2), 2011, 261–266.
[5] U. Hagn, T. Ortmaier, R. Konietschke, B. Kubler, U.Seibold, A. Tobergte, M. Nickl, S. Jorg, and G. Hirzinger,Telemanipulator for remote minimally invasive surgery,Robotics & Automation Magazine, IEEE, 15(4), 2008, 28–38.
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[13] M. Tavakoli, A. Aziminejad, R. V. Patel, and M. Moallem,High-fidelity bilateral teleoperation systems and the effect ofmultimodal haptics, Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B:Cybernetics, IEEE Transactions on, 37(6), 2007, 1512–1528.
[14] U. Hagn, R. Konietschke, A. Tobergte, M. Nickl, S. Jörg,B. Kübler, G. Passig, M. Gröger, F. Fröhlich, U. Seibold, andothers, DLR MiroSurge: a versatile system for research inendoscopic telesurgery, International journal of computerassisted radiology and surgery, 5(2), 2010, 183–193.
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[35] T. Haidegger, B. Benyó, L. Kovács, and Z. Benyó, ForceSensing and Force Control for Surgical Robots, 7th IFACSymposium on Modeling and Control in Biomedical Systems,7(1), 2009, 401-406.
[36] R. Diankov, Automated Construction of RoboticManipulation Programs, Carnegie Mellon University, RoboticsInstitute, 2010.
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