Adam H. Richards and Robert E. Spall


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  8. [8] K.R. Perkins, Turbulence structure in gas flow laminarizing byheating, Ph.D. thesis, University of Arizona, 1975.
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  11. [11] A.M. Shehata & D.M. McEligot, Turbulence structure in theviscous layer of strongly heated gas flows, Technical ReportINEL-95/0223, Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, 1995.
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  14. [14] R.E. Spall, A.H. Richards, & D.M. McEligot, An assessment ofk − ω and v2 − f turbulence models for strongly heated internalgas flows, Numerical Heat Transfer: Part A: Applications, 46,2004, 831–849.
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