J. Ngubiri and M. van Vliet


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  12. [12] J. Ngubiri & M. van Vliet, Group-wise performance evaluationof processor co-allocation in multi-cluster systems, Proc. 13thWorkshop on Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processing,Seattle, WA, 2007, 1–13.
  13. [13] S. Srinivasan, R. Kettimuthu, V. Subramani, & P. Sadayap-pan, Selective reservation strategies for backfill job scheduling,Proc. 8th Workshop on Job Scheduling Strategies for Paral-lel Processing, LNCS 2537, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, 2002,55–71.
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  15. [15] J. Ngubiri & M. van Vliet, The impact of jobs’ physicalcharacteristics on their schedulability in a multi-cluster system,Proc. 2nd International Conf. on Computing and ICT Research,Makerere University – Kampala, Uganda, 2006, 39–49.
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  24. [24] D. Tsafrir & D.G. Feitelson, Instability in parallel job schedul-ing simulation: The role of workload flurries, Proc. 20th In-ternational Parallel and Distributed Computing Symposium,Rhodes, Greece, 2006.
  25. [25] J. Ngubiri & M. van Vliet, Using the greedy approach toschedule jobs in a multi-cluster systems, Proc. InternationalConf. on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques andApplications, Las Vegas, NV, 2006, 663–668.

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