M.H. Mickle, M. Mi, J.T. Cain, and T. Minor


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  4. [4] M.H. Mickle, K.W. Wells, & R.G. Hoelzeman, Apparatus forenergizing a remote station and related method, U.S. PatentNo. 6,289,237, University of Pittsburgh, September 11, 2001(40 claims).
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  7. [7] M.H. Mickle, M. Mi, D. Gorodetsky, L. Mats, & L. Neureuter,Apparatus for energizing a remote station and related method,U.S. Patent No. 6,615,074, 2003.
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  9. [9] M. Mi, Analysis, design and optimization of antennas onCMOS integrated circuits for energy harvesting applications,doctoral diss., University of Pittsburgh, 2003.
  10. [10] M.H. Mickle, R.R. Hoare, R.E. Billo, J.T. Cain, I. Kourtev, &R.G. Hoelzeman, Autonomous wireless information systems ona chip with seamless integration, 4th World Multiconferenceon Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Orlando, FL, July2000, 172–176.
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