W. Haque


  1. [1] W. Gropp, E. Lusk, & A. Skjellum, Using MPI: Portableparallel programming with the message passing interface, 2nded. (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1999).
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  3. [3] P.S. Pacheco, Parallel programming with MPI (San Francisco:Morgan Kaufman, 1997).
  4. [4] Message Passing Interface Forum,
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  8. [8] J. Zhou & K. Tai, Deadlock analysis of synchronous message-passing programs, Proc. Int. Symp. on Software Engineeringfor Parallel and Distributed Systems, Los Angeles, 1999, 62–71. doi:10.1109/PDSE.1999.779739
  9. [9] G. Luecke, Y. Zou, J. Coyle, J. Hoekstra, & M. Kraeva,Deadlock detection in MPI programs, Concurrency and Com-putation: Practice and Experience, 14(11), 2002, 911–932. doi:10.1002/cpe.701
  10. [10] J.S. Vetter & B.R. de Supinski, Dynamic software testing ofMPI applications with Umpire, Proc. Supercomputing 2000,Dallas, TX, 2000.
  11. [11] MPICH Test Suite available at
  12. [12] NAS Parallel Benchmarks available at
  13. [13] R. Reusser, P. Sanders, L. Prechelt, & M. Muller, SKaMPI:A detailed, accurate MPI benchmark, Proc. EuroPVM/MPI,University of Liverpool, UK, 1998, 52–59.
  14. [14]∼haque/mpidd_perf.

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