R.J. Mitchell


  1. [1] H.W. Bode, Network analysis and feedback amplifier design(New York: Van Nostrand, 1945).
  2. [2] B.J. Lurie, & P.J. Enright, Classical feedback control withMATLAB (New York: Marcel Dekker, 2000).171
  3. [3] B.J. Lurie, A. Ghavimi, F.Y. Hadaegh, and E. Mettler, Systemarchitecture trades using Bode-step control design. Journal ofGuidance, Control and Dynamics, 25(2), 2001, 309–315.
  4. [4] B. Lurie, A. Ghavimi, F. Hadaegh, & E. Mettler, Systemtrades using the asymptotic Bode-step method, Proc. AIAAGuidance, Navigation, and Control Conf., Boston, MA, August10–12, 1998, Collection of Technical Papers. Pt. 3 (A98-37001,10–63).
  5. [5] D. Xue & Y. Chen, Comparative introduction of four fractionalorder controllers, Proc. 4th World Congress on IntelligentControl and Automation, Shanghai, PRC, 2002, 944–949.
  6. [6] J.J. Hench, B.J. Lurie, R. Grogan, and R. Johnson, Imple-mentation of non linear control laws for an optical delay line,Proc. IEEE Aerospace Conf., Montana, USA, 2000, 345–357.
  7. [7] M.E. Halpern & R.J. Evans, Minimization of the Bode sensitiv-ity integral, System & Control Letters, 40 (3), 2000, 191–195. doi:10.1016/S0167-6911(00)00023-2
  8. [8] R.J. Mitchell, Obtaining maximum feedback and desired phasemargin, Proc. IASTED Conf. Applied Simulation and Mod-elling, Marbella, Spain, 2003, 146–151.
  9. [9] R.J. Mitchell, Bode’s maximum available feedback and phasemargin, Proc. IASTED Conf. Applied Simulation and Mod-elling, Rhodes, Greece, 2004, 456–461.
  10. [10] R.J. Mitchell, Control using maximum available feedback de-sign, Proc. Control 2004, Bath, UK, 2004, ID-63.
  11. [11] R.J. Mitchell, Simplifying Bode’s maximum available feedbackdesign, accepted for the International Journal of ElectronicEngineering Education, 43 (1), 2006, 34–47.
  12. [12] R.C. Dorf & R.H. Bishop, Modern Control Systems (Reading,MA: Addison-Wesley, 1995).

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